Enzymatic Characterization of 5-Methylthioribose 1-Phosphate Isomerase from Bacillus subtilis
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The product of the mtnA gene of Bacillus subtilis catalyzes the isomerization of 5-methylthioribose 1-phosphate (MTR-1-P) to 5-methylthioribulose 1-phosphate (MTRu-1-P). The catalysis of MtnA is a novel isomerization of an aldose phosphate harboring a phosphate group on the hemiacetal group. This enzyme is distributed widely among bacteria through higher eukaryotes. The isomerase reaction analyzed using the recombinant B. subtilis enzyme showed a Michaelis constant for MTR-1-P of 138 μM, and showed that the maximum velocity of the reaction was 20.4 μmol min−1 (mg protein)−1. The optimum reaction temperature and reaction pH were 35 °C and 8.1. The activation energy of the reaction was calculated to be 68.7 kJ mol−1. The enzyme, with a molecular mass of 76 kDa, was composed of two subunits. The equilibrium constant in the reversible isomerase reaction [MTRu-1-P]/[MTR-1-P] was 6. We discuss the possible reaction mechanism.
- 社団法人 日本農芸化学会の論文
- 2007-08-23
Department of Materials Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University
KAI Yasushi
Department of Materials Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University
Kojima Chojiro
Graduate School of Biological Sciences, Nara Institute of Science and Technology
Kai Yasushi
Department Of Materials Chemistry Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka University
Ashida Hiroki
Graduate School Of Biological Sciences Nara Institute Of Science And Technology
Kojima Chojiro
Graduate School Of Biological Sciences Nara Institute For Science And Technology
Kai Yasushi
Department Of Applied Chemistry Faculty Of Engineering Osaka University
Yokota Akiho
Graduate School Of Biological Sciences Nara Institute Of Science And Technology
Saito Yohtaro
Graduate School of Biological Sciences, Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST)
Department of Materials Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University
Saito Yohtaro
Graduate School Of Biological Sciences Nara Institute Of Science And Technology (naist)
Tamura Haruka
Department Of Materials Chemistry Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka University
Matsumura Hiroyoshi
Department Of Applied Chemistry Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka University
Matsumura Hiroyoshi
Department Of Materials Chemistry Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka University
Ashida Hiroki
Graduate School Of Biological Sciences Nara Institute Of Science And Technology (naist)
Yokota Akiho
Graduate School Of Biological Sciences Nara Institute Of Science And Technology (naist)
Kojima Chojiro
Graduate School Of Biological Sciences Nara Institute Of Science And Technology (naist)
Yokota Akiho
Graduate School Of Biological Science Nara Institute Of Science And Technology
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