Suppression by Licorice Flavonoids of Abdominal Fat Accumulation and Body Weight Gain in High-Fat Diet-Induced Obese C57BL/6J Mice
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We applied licorice flavonoid oil (LFO) to high-fat diet-induced obese C57BL/6J mice and investigated its effect. LFO contains hydrophobic flavonoids obtained from licorice by extraction with ethanol. The oil is a mixture of medium-chain triglycerides, having glabridin, a major flavonoid of licorice, concentrated to 1.2% (w/w). Obese mice were fed on a high-fat diet containing LFO at 0 (control), 0.5%, 1.0%, or 2.0% for 8 weeks. Compared with mice in the control group, those in the 1% and 2% LFO groups efficiently reduced the weight of abdominal white adipose tissues and body weight gain. A histological examination revealed that the adipocytes became smaller and the fatty degenerative state of the hepatocytes was improved in the 2% LFO group. A DNA microarray analysis of the liver showed up-regulation of those genes for beta-oxidation and down-regulation of those for fatty acid synthesis in the 2% LFO group. These findings suggest that LFO prevented and ameliorated diet-induced obesity via the regulation of lipid metabolism-related gene expression in the liver.
- 社団法人 日本農芸化学会の論文
- 2007-01-23
AOKI Fumiki
Functional Food Ingredients Division, Kaneka Corporation
YOKOTA Shinichi
Functional Food Ingredients Division, Life Science RD Center Kaneka Corporation
中川 公恵
神戸薬大 衛生化学
Kitahara Mikio
Life Science Research Laboratories Life Science Rd Center Kaneka Corporation
Kitano Mitsuaki
Frontier Biochemical And Medical Res. Laboratories Corporate Res. And Dev. Div. Kaneka Corp.
Kitano Mitsuaki
Life Science Research Laboratories, Life Science RD Center, Kaneka Corporation
Arai N
Functional Food Ingredients Div. Kaneka Corp.
Tanaka Hozumi
Frontier Biochemical And Medical Research Laboratories Corporate Research And Development Division K
Nakagawa K
Nakai Yuji
Agricultural Bioinformatics Res. Unit Graduate School Of Agricultural And Life Sciences The Univ. Of
Aoki Fumiki
神戸大学 農学研究科食品栄養化学
Aoki Fumiki
Functional Food Ingredients Division Kaneka Corporation
Nakagawa Kaku
Functional Food Ingredients Div. Kaneka Corp.
HONDA Shinichi
Functional Food Ingredients Division, Kaneka Corporation
KISHIDA Hideyuki
Life Science Research Laboratories, Life Science RD Center, Kaneka Corporation
ARAI Naoki
Functional Food Ingredients Division, Kaneka Corporation
Functional Food Ingredients Division, Kaneka Corporation
Faculty of Management, Atomi University
MAE Tatsumasa
Functional Food Ingredients Division, Kaneka Corporation
Arai Naoki
Functional Food Ingredients Div. Kaneka Corp.
Yokota Shinichi
Functional Food Ingredients Division Life Science Rd Center Kaneka Corporation
Kitano Mitsuaki
Life Science Research Laboratories Life Science Rd Center Kaneka Corporation
Mae Tatsumasa
Functional Food Ingredients Div. Kaneka Corp.
Yokota Shinichi
Frontier Biochemical And Medical Res. Laboratories Kaneka Corp.
Honda Shinichi
Functional Food Ingredients Division Kaneka Corporation
Asakura Tomiko
Department Of Applied Biological Chemistry Graduate School Of Agricultural And Life Sciences Univers
Kishida Hideyuki
Frontier Biochemical And Medical Research Laboratories Corporate Research And Development Division K
Yokota Shinichi
Functional Food Ingredients Div. Kaneka Corp.
- 1-II-2 新規ビタミンK誘導体による核内受容体SXRを介した転写活性の検討(一般演題,日本ビタミン学会第62回大会発表要旨)
- 1-II-4 マウス大脳由来神経幹細胞のニューロン分化に対するビタミンKの作用(一般演題,日本ビタミン学会第62回大会発表要旨)
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- 3.新しいA修飾アナローダ,2α-置換-1,25-ジヒドロキシビタミンD_3 およびその20-エピマーのデザイン,合成,立体配座解析,および活性評価
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- 4.環修飾レチノイン酸アナログの生物活性における置換基効果(第324回脂溶性ビタミン総合研究委員会研究発表要旨)
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- Suppression by Licorice Flavonoids of Abdominal Fat Accumulation and Body Weight Gain in High-Fat Diet-Induced Obese C57BL/6J Mice
- Determination of glabridin in human plasma by solid-phase extraction and LC-MS/MS
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- Investigation of the Anti-Obesity Action of Licorice Flavonoid Oil in Diet-Induced Obese Rats
- Suppression by Licorice Flavonoids of Abdominal Fat Accumulation and Body Weight Gain in High-Fat Diet-Induced Obese C57BL/6J Mice
- 2-II-30 脳神経細胞の分化に対するビタミンDの作用(一般演題要旨,日本ビタミン学会第63回大会講演要旨)
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- 2-III-26 ビタミンK_2(Menaquinone-4)生合成酵素の発見(一般演題要旨,日本ビタミン学会第63回大会講演要旨)
- 2-III-25 側鎖末端部を修飾した新規ビタミンK誘導体の合成と核内受容体SXRを介した転写活性の検討(一般演題要旨,日本ビタミン学会第63回大会講演要旨)
- 2-II-16 ゲラニルゲラノイン酸類似体の合成と生物活性(一般演題要旨,日本ビタミン学会第63回大会講演要旨)
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- The molecular mechanism underlying the reduction in abdominal fat accumulation by licorice flavonoid oil in high fat diet-induced obese rats
- 化学的アプローチによるビタミンKの生理作用の解析と生理活性物質への応用
- Transient Up-Regulation of Immunity- and Apoptosis-Related Genes in Caco-2 Cells Cocultured with THP-1 Cells Evaluated by DNA Microarray Analysis
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- Licorice Flavonoids Suppress Abdominal Fat Accumulation and Increase in Blood Glucose Level in Obese Diabetic KK-A^y Mice(Pharmacology)
- ビタミンK(メナキノン-4)合成酵素の構造と機能解析 (第13回日本骨粗鬆症学会 学術奨励賞受賞演題)
- 2-III-23 ビタミンKの胎盤通過性および胎盤内変換(一般演題要旨,日本ビタミン学会第64回大会講演要旨)
- 2-III-21 ニューロンへの分化を誘導する新規ビタミンK誘導体の合成と構造活性相関の検討(一般演題要旨,日本ビタミン学会第64回大会講演要旨)
- ビタミンK(メナキノン-4)生合成酵素の発見
- 側鎖末端部を修飾した新規ビタミンK誘導体の合成と核内受容体SXRを介した転写活性の検討
- ビタミンK_2(メナキノン-4)生合成酵素の発見
- 側鎖末端部を修飾した新規ビタミンK誘導体の合成と核内受容体SXRを介した転写活性の検討
- 2-IV-7 ニューロンへの分化を誘導する新規ビタミンK誘導体の開発(一般演題要旨,第65回大会講演要旨)
- 2-III-21 9-シス-デメチルレチノイン酸類の効率的合成とその生物活性(一般演題要旨,第65回大会講演要旨)
- 2-IV-6 Menaquinone-4生合成酵素UBIAD1遺伝子の発現制御因子の探索(一般演題要旨,第65回大会講演要旨)
- 2-IV-5 妊娠および周産期女性のビタミンK必要量の評価(一般演題要旨,第65回大会講演要旨)
- 2-IV-4 ビタミンK_2生合成酵素UBIAD1の神経細胞分化調節作用(一般演題要旨,第65回大会講演要旨)
- 2-III-2 CYP27B1ノックアウトマウスの腎臓近位尿細管初代培養細胞におけるビタミンD代謝解析(一般演題要旨,第65回大会講演要旨)
- Effect of Licorice Flavonoid Oil on Cholesterol Metabolism in High Fat Diet Rats
- UBIAD1により合成されたmenaquinone-4は血管の恒常性維持を担う
- 5. ラットにおけるビタミンKの吸収ならびに代謝機構について(研究発表,第340回会議研究発表要旨,脂溶性ビタミン総合研究委員会)
- Effect of Licorice Flavonoid Oil on Cholesterol Metabolism in High Fat Diet Rats