Influence of Prolonged Exercise on Sweet Taste Perception
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Abstract: In order to determine the influence of prolonged exercise on sensitivity to sweet taste, we investigated the relationship between physical fatigue and palatability and/or taste intensity by performing sensory evaluation tests. The subjects hiked up a 36-km mountain trail for 12 h, and we used 100- and 300-mM sucrose solutions as test samples. The taste intensity and palatability of the sucrose solutions did not change significantly during exercise. However, a slight change in palatability was observed. In particular, the palatability of the 300-mM solution increased with an increase in the degree of physical fatigue towards the end of the exercise.
- 社団法人 日本食品科学工学会の論文
- 2010-09-01
林 由佳子
Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University
Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University
林由 佳子
College of Sport and Health Science, Ritsumeikan University
Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nagoya City University
Hayashi Yukako
Graduate School Of Agriculture Kyoto University
Kuga Sachiko
Gifu Prefectural Health And Longevity Foundation
Narukawa Masataka
Graduate School Of Agriculture Kyoto University
Isaka Tadao
College Of Science And Engineering Ritsumeikan University
UE Hidetoshi
Faculty of Fine Arts, Kyoto City University of Arts
Morita Kanako
Graduate School Of Agriculture Kyoto University
Ue Hidetoshi
Faculty Of Fine Arts Kyoto City University Of Arts
Kuga Sachiko
College Of Science And Engineering Ritsumeikan University
Narukawa Masataka
Graduate School Of Nutritional And Environmental Sciences University Of Shizuoka
UEMURA Masahide
Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University
Hayashi Yukako
Kyoto Univ. Kyoto Jpn
Uemura Masahide
Graduate School Of Agriculture Kyoto University
Hayashi Yukako
Graduate School Of Agriculture Kyoto Univ.
Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo
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