Magnetic Saturation Due to Fast Dynamic Response and Its Eliminating Method in Bridge-Type DC-DC Converter
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Method for eliminating magnetic saturation in low-voltage and high-current DC-DC converter with fast dynamic response is described. The magnetic saturation is observed in onboard isolated bridge-type DC-DC converter due to inherently asymmetrical PWM signal during transient condition. The saturation is not eliminated by using ac-coupling capacitor for transformer. Mechanism of the saturation is analyzed and confirmed by experiments. Based on the analysis a solution for the magnetic saturation is proposed. The effectiveness of proposed method is also confirmed by experiments.
- (社)電子情報通信学会の論文
- 2010-08-01
KOHAMA Teruhiko
Department of Electrical Engineering, Fukuoka University
Inoue Akio
Department Of Electrical Engineering Fukuoka University
Inoue Akio
Department Of Astronomy Faculty Of Science Kyoto University
Kohama Teruhiko
Department Of Electrical Engineering Fukuoka University
Department of Electrical Engineering, Fukuoka University
Tokimatsu Sunao
Department Of Electrical Engineering Fukuoka University
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