Characterization of Cadmium Accumulation in Willow as a Woody Metal Accumulator Using Synchrotron Radiation-Based X-Ray Microanalyses
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Oxford University Pressの論文
- 2010-05-01
Yazaki Kazufumi
Research Institute For Sustainable Humanosphere Kyoto University
Research and Education Center for Genetic Information, Nara Institute of Science and Technology
Yazaki Kazufumi
Research Institute For Sustainable Humanosphere (rish) Kyoto University
Nakai Izumi
Department of Applied Chemistry, Science University of Tokyo
Department of Applied Chemistry, Tokyo University of Science
SPring-8, JASRI
Nakai Izumi
Faculty Of Science Tokyo University Of Science
Nakai Izumi
Department Of Applied Chemistry Faculty Of Science Science University Of Tokyo
Hokura Akiko
Department Of Applied Chemistry Tokyo University Of Science
Hokura Akiko
Department Of Applied Chemistry Faculty Of Science Tokyo University Of Science
Terada Yasuko
Spring-8 Jasri
Terada Yasuko
Spring-8 Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute (jasri)
Department of Applied Chemistry, Tokyo University of Science
Harada Emiko
Research Institute For Sustainable Humanosphere (rish) Kyoto University
Takada Saori
Department Of Applied Chemistry Tokyo University Of Science
Baba Kei'ichi
Research Institute For Sustainable Humanosphere (rish) Kyoto University
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