Malignant neoplasm in the axilla of a male : suspected primary carcinoma of an accessory mammary gland
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2010-04-01
Department of Physical Electronics, Tokyo Institute of Technology
内田 賢
Takahashi Hiroyuki
Department Of Pathology The Jikei University School Of Medicine
内田 賢
Department of Surgical Oncology, Hokkaido University Graduate School of Medicine
Department of Surgery I, The Jikei University School of Medicine
Department of Surgery, The Jikei University School of Medicine
NOGI Hiroko
Department of Breast and Endocrine Surgery, The Jikei University School of Medicine
Tabei Isao
Department Of Breast And Endocrine Surgery The Jikei University School Of Medicine
Nogi Hiroko
Department Of Breast And Endocrine Surgery The Jikei University School Of Medicine
Department of Dermatology, Jikei University School of Medicine
Department of Surgery, Jikei University School of Medicine
Fukuchi Osamu
Department Of Dermatology Jikei University School Of Medicine
Morikawa Toshiaki
Department Of Surgery Jikei University School Of Medicine
Morikawa Toshiaki
Division Of General Thoracic Surgery Jikei University School Of Medicine
Tabei Isao
Department Of Surgery Jikei University School Of Medicine
Morikawa Toshiaki
Department Of Breast And Endocrine Surgery Jikei University School Of Medicine
Uchida Ken
Department Of Breast And Endocrine Surgery Jikei University School Of Medicine
Takeyama Hiroshi
Department Of Surgery I The Jikei University School Of Medicine
Kinoshita Satoki
Department Of Surgery Jikei University Kashiwa Hospital
Uchida Ken
Department Of Biology Faculty Of Science Kumamoto University
Takahashi Hiroyuki
Department Of Obstetrics And Gynecology Tottori University School Of Medicine
Takahashi Hiroyuki
Department Of By Preclinical Dmpk Tsukuba Research Institute Banyu Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd
Takeyama Hiroshi
Department Of Surgery Jikei University Hospital
Takahashi Hiroyuki
Department Of Applied Chemistry Faculty Of Science And Technology Keio University
Nogi Hiroko
Department Of Surgery Jikei University Hospital
Uchida Ken
Department Of Surgery Jikei University School Of Medicine
- Control of Inter-Dot Electrostatic Coupling by a Side Gate in a Silicon Double Quantum Dot Operating at 4.5K
- Testicular spermiation failure in rats exposed prenatally to 3,3',4,4',5-pentachlorobiphenyl
- ^Tc-MIBI SPECTによる乳癌ならびにリンパ節転移の検出に関する^Tl-SPECTとの比較検討
- HP-156-6 Triple Negative乳癌の予後因子の検討(乳がん(トリプルネガティブ),ハイブリッドポスター,第109回日本外科学会定期学術集会)
- OP-203-4 術前化学療法(NAC)で組織学的完全奏効(pCR)を示した乳癌症例の検討(乳癌治療・他-5,一般口演,第110回日本外科学会定期学術集会)
- OP-129-3 術前化学療法を施行したLuminal A乳癌における予後予測因子は何か?(乳癌基礎-5,一般口演,第110回日本外科学会定期学術集会)
- OP-128-6 Triple Negative DCISはTN浸潤癌の前駆病変か(乳癌基礎-4,一般口演,第110回日本外科学会定期学術集会)
- PD-9-8 Stage I-IIIの乳癌におけるCTC (Circulating Tumor Cells)とBMM (bone Marrow Micrometastasis cells)を使用した再発リスク分類の検討と病理結果との対比(遺伝子解析および分子生物学的手法を用いた乳癌リスク分類は病理診断を超えられるか,パネルディスカッション,第110回日本外科学会定期学術集会)
- SF-071-4 即時乳房再建術15年間の変遷及び利点と問題点そして予後の検討(乳がん手術1,サージカルフォーラム,第109回日本外科学会定期学術集会)
- HP-076-5 Skin Sparing Mastectomy with immediate reconstruction(SSM)の有用性(乳がん(手術),ハイブリッドポスター,第109回日本外科学会定期学術集会)
- RSF-005-2 当院における男性乳癌8症例の検討(乳腺,研修医の発表セッション,第109回日本外科学会定期学術集会)
- 嚢胞内腫瘍に対する内視鏡ガイド下生検 (特集 最新 乳房腫瘍の手技・手術のすべて) -- (生検)
- DP-166-4 どのような症例に術前化学療法を適用していくか?(第108回日本外科学会定期学術集会)
- DP-032-4 術前化学療法(NAC)後臨床的CRを示した症例に対する手術法に関する検討(第108回日本外科学会定期学術集会)
- SF-099-4 Stage II,III乳癌における抗癌剤治療,ホルモン剤治療前後での末梢血中,骨髄液中微小転移細胞(CTC)の測定と,CTC細胞数の変化による治療の効果判定(第108回日本外科学会定期学術集会)
- 女医外科医の立場から : 女性外科医の役割と課題 : 米国との比較(特別企画 外科医の地位向上にむけて,第107回日本外科学会定期学術集会記録)
- DP-170-4 ER, PgR, HER 2/neu陰性乳癌の治療上の問題点(第107回日本外科学会定期学術集会)
- DP-169-7 乳癌における骨髄微小転移細胞の検出と, 抗癌剤治療の効果判定への応用(第107回日本外科学会定期学術集会)
- DP-094-1 乳癌術前化学療法後に腋窩郭清を安全に名略できる患者は存在するか?(第107回日本外科学会定期学術集会)
- SP-1-3 女性外科医の立場から : 女性外科医の役割と課題 : 米国との比較(第107回日本外科学会定期学術集会)
- 乳房インプラント挿入者に対する乳癌検診 : 米国テキサス大学 M. D. Anderson Cancer Center の例
- 東京慈恵会医科大学における女性外科医師の現状と今後の課題
- 乳癌患者における骨髄中Keratin 19およびMUC1のmRNA発現の臨床的意義
- 今日の問題 乳癌に対する術前化学療法の役割と限界
- 甲状腺濾胞性腫瘍におけるセンチネルリンパ節生検 (Sentinel Node Biopsy : SNB) を使用した縮小手術への試み(第105回日本外科学会定期学術集会)
- PS-174-3 DNA chipsを用いた乳癌細胞株に対するTrastuzumabの効果の基礎研究
- SF-002-2 乳癌センチネルリンパ節(SN)の3次元画像標示 : リンパシンチとMDCT合成画像によるSNの同定
- Testicular spermiation failure in rats exposed prenatally to 3,3',4,4',5-pentachlorobiphenyl
- High Thermal Conductive Resin Composites with Controlled Nanostructures for Electric Devices
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- Long-term Follow-up of Busulfan, Etoposide, and Nimustine Hydrochloride (ACNU) or Melphalan as Conditioning Regimens for Childhood Acute Leukemia and Lymphoma
- Successful Bone Marrow Transplantation for Severe Aplastic Anemia in a Patient with Persistent Human Parvovirus B19 Infection
- N-(4-Hydroxyphenyl) retinamide (4-HPR) Induces Leukemia Cell Death via Generation of Reactive Oxygen Species
- Expression of Sialic Acid Residues in Renal Tubule of Streptozotocin-induced Diabetes Rats
- X-ray Microcalorimeter Based on Superconducting Transition Edge Sensors
- Induction of rat hepatic CYP 1A1, 1B1, and AhR by 7, 12-dimethylbenz[α]anthracene on prenatal 3, 3', 4, 4', 5-pentachlorobiphenyl exposure(Drug metabolism, Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Meeting)
- Evaluation of testicular toxicology in aging rats with prenatal exposure for 3, 3', 4, 4', 5-pentachlorobiphenyl(Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Meeting)
- Evaluation of testicular toxicology in puberty to adult rats with prenatal exposure for 3, 3', 4, 4', 5-pentachlorobiphenyl(Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Meeting)
- N-methyl-N-nitrosourea induced rat prostate carcinogenesis is modulated by prenatal 3, 3', 4, 4', 5-pentachlorobiphenyl exposure(Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Meeting)
- Initial Changes of Hepatic Glycogen Granules and Glycogen Phosphorylase a After Exposure to 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene in Rats
- Electrica land Optical Properties of Poly(3,4-dialkylthiophene)
- Identification and Characterization of Two Alternative σ Factors of RNA Polymerase in the Deep-Sea Piezophilic Bacterium Shewanella violacea, Strain DSS12
- Unprecedented Soliton Formation Mechanism in Quasi-One-Dimensional Chloro-Bridged Pt^-Pt^ Mixed-Valence Compound, {[Pt(en)_2][PtCl_2(en)_2]}_3(CuCl_4)_4・12H_2O
- Dependence of Poly(3-alkylthiophene) Film Properties on Electrochemical Polymerization Conditions and Alkyl Chain Length
- Shear Induced Instability in Electrohydrodynamic Convection
- Diagnosis of Tis/T1 Breast Cancer Extent by Multislice Helical CT : A Novel Classification of Tumor Distribution
- A Digital Waveform Analysis System with a Fast Digitizer and VXIbus System
- Spatial Distribution Measurement of Ions Surrounding an Alpha Source using a New Micro-ionization Chamber
- Clustering Method to Process Signals from a CdZnTe Detector
- Mammary ductoscopy : current issues and perspectives
- The predictive value of PgR and HER-2 for response to primary systemic chemotherapy in inflammatory breast cancer
- Screening ultrasonography revealed 15% of mammographically occult breast cancers
- Percutaneous Endoscopy-Guided Biopsy of an Intracystic Tumor with a Mammary Ductoscopy
- ^Tc-MIBI SPECT Compared with ^TI-SPECT for the Detection of Breast Cancer and Lymph Node Metastasis
- [^S]Cysteine と [^C]Cyanide を用いた反応性代謝物の定量分析法
- Phenobarbital Following Phototherapy for Crigler-Najjar Syndrome Type II with Good Fetal Outcome : A Case Report
- Repetitive intermittent hypoxia-ischemia and brain damage in neonatal rats
- Immature Brain Injury via Peroxynitrite Production Induced by Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase after Hypoxia-Ischemia in Rats
- Placenta Previa Increta Penetrating the Entire Thickness of the Uterine Myometrium : Ultrasonographic and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings
- Effect of Glucose on the H_2O_2-Induced Synthesis of Peroxidase in Escherichia coli
- Fatal prognosis of an atypical meningioma in the cervical spine
- Malignant neoplasm in the axilla of a male : suspected primary carcinoma of an accessory mammary gland
- Metachronous secondary primary occult breast cancer initially presenting with metastases to the contralateral axillary lymph nodes : report of a case
- Primary Small-Cell Neuroendocrine Carcinoma of the Breast : Report of a Case
- Primary Rhabdomyosarcoma of the Breast in a 13-Year-Old Girl : Report of a Case
- Peribiliary cyst of common bile duct : possible cause of refractory jaundice
- Lateral view dissection of the prostato-urethral junction to reduce positive apical margin in laparoscopic radical prostatectomy
- Detection of MUC1 and Keratin 19 mRNAs in the Bone Marrow by Quantitative RT-PCR Predicts the Risk of Distant Metastasis in Breast Cancer Patients
- Prediction of clinically insignificant prostate cancer by detection of allelic imbalance at 6q, 8p and 13q
- Loss of heterozygosity of NF1 gene in juvenile chronic myelogenous leukemia with neurofibromatosis type 1
- Malignant Melanoma Originating on the Female Nipple : A Case Report
- Cyclin D1/cdk4, estrogen receptors α and β, in N-methyl-N′-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine-induced rat gastric carcinogenesis: immunohistochemical study
- Convenient Synthesis of Poly(butylene succinate) Catalyzed by Distannoxane
- 下咽頭部分切除に対する再建術 (特集 下咽頭・頸部食道再建の標準化に向けて)
- Identification and Characterization of Two Alternative σ Factors of RNA Polymerase in the Deep-Sea Piezophilic Bacterium Shewanella violacea, Strain DSS12
- SF-044-4 原発部位と再発転移部位における乳癌幹細胞[CD44(+),CD24(-/low)cells]発現比率の変化と,ER,PgR,Her-2発現を基礎とした悪性度分類との相関性(SF-044 サージカルフォーラム(44)乳腺:基礎-1,第111回日本外科学会定期学術集会)
- PS-002-5 センチネルリンパ節における転移巣と原発腫瘍における乳癌幹細胞マーカーの比較(PS-002 ポスターセッション(2)乳腺:センチネル-2,第111回日本外科学会定期学術集会)
- A Case of Type I Cryoglobulinemia Associated with a Monoclonal Gammopathy of Undetermined Significance (MGUS)
- PS-043-2 乳癌術前化学療法後の造影MRIによる残存病変の評価(PS-043 ポスターセッション(43)乳腺:画像診断-3,第111回日本外科学会定期学術集会)
- PS-112-6 HER2陽性乳癌の前駆病変の検討(PS-112 ポスターセッション(112)乳腺:基礎-1,第111回日本外科学会定期学術集会)
- Carney Complex : Report of a Japanese Case Associated with Cutaneous Superficial Angiomyxomas, Labial Lentigines, and a Pituitary Adenoma
- SF-048-5 手術を受ける乳癌患者の精神的分析(SF-048 サージカルフォーラム(48)乳腺:その他,第111回日本外科学会定期学術集会)
- Cyclin D1/cdk4, estrogen receptors α and β, in N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine-induced rat gastric carcinogenesis : immunohistochemical study
- Characteristics of 16-Channel ASIC Preamplifier Board for Microstrip Gas Chamber and Animal PET
- Loss of ABCB7 gene : pathogenesis of mitochondrial iron accumulation in erythroblasts in refractory anemia with ringed sideroblast with isodicentric (X)(q13)
- 巻き爪の手術的治療 (特集 爪治療の基本手技)
- 乳癌治療におけるバイオマーカー (特集 最新の疾患バイオマーカー研究) -- (疾患バイオマーカーの臨床研究)
- 専門医取得に必要な形成外科手技 : 口頭試問への対策(6)小趾列多合趾症
- 絞扼輪症候群 : 特に罹患指数と表現型について
- G-CSF産生再発乳癌の1例
- 長掌筋腱を用いた眉毛吊り上げ術の経験
- 経過観察により改善を認めた石灰化頭血腫の1例
- 口蓋裂単独例の合併先天異常
- SF-118-3 上皮間葉転換(EMT)により甲状腺乳頭癌の細胞外基質(ECM)に産生されるシアル酸化ファイブロネクチン(sFN)は癌のリンパ節転移を促進する(SF-118 サージカルフォーラム(118)甲状腺・上皮小体,第112回日本外科学会定期学術集会)
- PS-160-1 ホルモン感受性陽性HER2陰性乳癌にも術前化学療法は必要である(PS-160 乳腺 化学療法-2,ポスターセッション,第112回日本外科学会定期学術集会)
- SF-120-5 トリプルネガテイブDCISは浸潤後,増殖能が高まる(SF-120 サージカルフォーラム(120)乳腺 病理,第112回日本外科学会定期学術集会)
- VF-065-3 当院で行っている一期再建を前提としたSSM(skin sparing mastectomy)(VF ビデオフォーラム,第113回日本外科学会定期学術集会)
- PS-140-2 HER 2type DCISはp53遺伝子変異により組織学的多様性を獲得する(PS ポスターセッション,第113回日本外科学会定期学術集会)
- PS-012-1 DYRK2は乳癌の浸潤・転移を制御する(PS ポスターセッション,第113回日本外科学会定期学術集会)
- PS-273-2 術前化学療法前NO症例はSNBにより腋窩リンパ節郭清が省略可能である(PS ポスターセッション,第113回日本外科学会定期学術集会)