Preparation of Nanoaggregates through Self-assembly of Amphiphilic Polyrotaxane Composed of PLLA-PEG-PLLA Triblock Copolymer and α-Cyclodextrins
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2010-03-05
大矢 裕一
大矢 裕一
大内 辰郎
Department Of Applied Chemistry Faculty Of Engineering And High Technology Research Center Kansai Un
Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering and High Technology Research Center, Kansai
OHYA Yuichi
Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering and High Technology Research Center, Kansai
OUCHI Tatsuro
Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering and High Technology Research Center, Kansai
Ohya Yuichi
Department Of Applied Chemistry Faculty Of Engineering Kansai University
Nagahama Koji
Department Of Applied Chemistry Faculty Of Engineering And High Technology Research Center Kansai Un
Ouchi Tatsuro
Department Of Applied Chemistry Faculty Of Engineering Kansai University
YUI Nobuhiko
School of Materials Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Yui Nobuhiko
School Of Materials Science Japan Advanced Institute Of Science And Technology
Yui Nobuhiko
School Of Materials Science 21st Century Coe Program Japan Advanced Institute Of Science And Technol
Department of Chemistry and Materials Engineering, Faculty of Chemistry, Materials Bioengineering, K
Department of Chemistry and Materials Engineering, Faculty of Chemistry, Materials Bioengineering, K
Ohmura Junpei
Department Of Chemistry And Materials Engineering Faculty Of Chemistry Materials Bioengineering Kans
Sakaue Hiromi
Department Of Chemistry And Materials Engineering Faculty Of Chemistry Materials Bioengineering Kans
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- 巻頭言
- 高分子プロドラッグの分子設計の基礎概念
- 関西支部
- DNA運搬機能を有するキトサン誘導体
- ドラッグ・デリバリ-用高分子材料 (注目される医用材料)
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- 先進医療用材料設計 (特集 プロジェクト研究報告概要集) -- (先端科学技術推進機構研究グループ)
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- Intranuclear DNA Release Is a Determinant of Transfection Activity for a Non-viral Vector: Biocleavable Polyrotaxane as a Supramolecularly Dissociative Condenser for Efficient Intranuclear DNA Release
- 7^ International Symposium on Frontiers in Biomedical Polymers(FBPS'07)
- 生体と材料のあいだ
- 生分解性高分子材料
- Preparation of Loose-fit Polyrotaxane Composed of β-Cyclodextrin and Poly(ethylene glycol) Derivatives through the Slipping-Expanding Protocol
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- Thermally-Responsive Properties of a Polyrotaxane Consisting of β-Cyclodextrins and a Poly(ethylene glycol)-Poly(propylene glycol) Triblock-Copolymer
- Feasibility study of hydrolyzable polyrotaxanes aiming at implantable materials
- Preparation and Characterization of a Polyrotaxane with Non-enzymatically Hydrolyzable Stoppers
- 高分子科学最近の進歩
- 過ヨウ素酸酸化法によるキトサンおよびマンナン類多糖のカルボン酸誘導体の調製とその機能化
- ポリガラクトサミン-アドリアマイシン複合体のマウス移植腫瘍に対する抗腫瘍性とその作用機作について
- 温度応答性ゾル-ゲル転移を示す生分解性グラフトおよびブロックコポリマーの設計とインジェクタブルポリマーとしての応用 (特集 プロジェクト研究報告概要集) -- (戦略的研究基盤形成支援事業プロジェクト)
- PEGグラフト化キトサンの水中での会合体形成挙動
- Controlled loop and graft formations of water-soluble polymers on SAMs for the design of biomaterials surfaces
- DNA nanostructures as scaffolds for metal nanoparticles
- 認識能を有する遺伝子配送用4級化キトサンコンジュゲートの分子設計
- DDSに利用される高分子化学 生分解性高分子材料
- 次世代医療を革新するスマートバイオマテリアルの創出 (プロジェクト研究報告概要集)
- 先進医療用材料設計 (プロジェクト研究報告概要集)
- 先進医療用材料設計 (プロジェクト研究報告概要集)
- 次世代医療を革新するスマートバイオマテリアルの創出(プロジェクト研究報告概要集)
- Vinyl polymerization. 411. Experimental supports for the concept of hard and soft hydrophobic areas and monomers in the so-called uncatalyzed polymerization.
- The Copolymerization of Dimethallylidenepentaerythritol and Dicrotylidenepentaerythritol with Maleic Anhydride
- The Polymerization of Dimethallylidenepentaerythritol and Dicrotylidenepentaerythritol
- The Polymerization of Di-(β-methacrylyloxypropionaldehyde)-pentaerythritolacetal
- Vinyl Polymerization. 327. Determination of the Initiating Radical Species in Polymerization with a Dimethylmercury and Copper(II)-Ion System
- Vinyl polymerization. CCCXLI. A proposal of a mechanism for radical polymerization of vinyl monomers with sodium polymethallylsulfonate.
- Vinyl polymerization. 368. Polymerization of methyl methacrylate with the system of RNA, water and Cu(II) ion.
- 次世代医療を革新するスマートバイオマテリアルの創出(特集 プロジェクト研究報告概要集)