Neural and/or Mechanical Responses of Adductor Longus Muscle to Exposure to Microgravity in Wistar Hannover Rats
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 日本宇宙航空環境医学会の論文
- 2009-06-01
OHIRA Yoshinobu
Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka University
Nakai Naoya
Graduate School Of Medicine Osaka University
KAWANO Fuminori
Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka University
Kawano Fuminori
Graduate School Of Medicine Osaka University
Ohira Yoshinobu
Graduate School Of Medicine Osaka University:graduate School Of Frontier Biosciences Osaka Universit
Ohira Yoshinobu
Graduate School Of Frontier Biosciences Osaka University:graduate School Of Medicine Osaka Universit
GYOTOKU Jun-Ichiro
Space Environment Utilization Center, OSFO, and ISS Science Project Office, ISAS, JAXA
Gyotoku Jun-ichiro
Space Systems Designing Section Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. Kobe Shipyard & Machinery Works
Gyotoku Jun-ichiro
Space Environment Utilization Center Osfo And Iss Science Project Office Isas Jaxa
Nakai Naoya
Graduate School Medicine Osaka University
大平 宇志
Oishi Y
Laboratory Of Muscle Physiology Faculty Of Education Kumamoto University
Kawano Fuminori
Section Of Applied Physiology Department Of Health And Sport Sciences Graduate School Of Medicine Os
Ogura Akihiko
Graduate School Frontier Biosciences Osaka University
TERADA Masahiro
Graduate School Frontier Biosciences, Osaka University
OCHIAI Toshimasa
Space Systems Designing Section, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., Kobe Shipyard & Machinery Works
Ohira Yoshinobu
Section Of Applied Physiology Department Of Health And Sport Sciences Graduate School Of Medicine Os
TERADA Masahiro
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Okumura Yuushi
Graduate School Of Medicine Osaka University
Ohira Takashi
Graduate School Of Frontier Biosciences Osaka University
Oke Yoshihiko
Department Of Health And Sports Sciences Graduate School Of Medicine Osaka University
大平 宇志
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- 110. 運動トレーニングは骨格筋内のHSP70発現量を長期的に増加させる(運動器,一般口演,第63回日本体力医学会大会)
- 84. 高齢ラット骨格筋の肥大及び萎縮過程におけるアポトーシスとストレスタンパク質の関連(運動器,第62回日本体力医学会大会)
- 97. ラットヒラメ筋萎縮後の回復期におけるアポトーシス応答と筋核数の変化(運動器, 第61回 日本体力医学会大会)
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- 293. 肥大ラット骨格筋における熱ショックタンパク質とカルシニューリンの変化(運動器)
- 281. 共同筋切除による代償性筋肥大へのサイクロスポリンA投与の影響(運動器)
- 82.ラット骨格筋発育過程における熱ショックタンパク質72発現とミオシン重鎖成分の変化(運動器)
- 49.クレンブテロール投与によるラットヒラメ筋単一筋線維ミオシン重鎖成分の変化(運動器)
- 骨格筋再生過程における熱ショックタンパク質72の変化
- 111.骨格筋再生過程における熱ショックタンパク質72の変化(【運動器】)
- ラット骨格筋への熱負荷にともなう熱ショックタンパク質の発現変化
- 79. 加重力に対する発育初期ラット骨格筋の適応変化(運動器,第62回日本体力医学会大会)
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- 2P02 Responses of hindlimb unloading on cell body size and oxidative enzyme activity of soleus motoneurons in developing rats
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- Neural and/or Mechanical Responses of Adductor Longus Muscle to Exposure to Microgravity in Wistar Hannover Rats
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- S.L. Essential role of exercise countermeasure in microgravity environment(The Proceedings of the 18th Annual Meetings of Japan Society Exercise and Sports Physiology Jury 31 August 1, (Kagoshima))
- Control of muscle protein synthesis in response to exercise and amino acids
- Responses of HSC70 expression in diencephalon to iron deficiency anemia in rats
- Modulation of Hippocampal Proteins by Exposure to Simulated Microgravity Environment during the Postnatal Development in Rats
- Regulation of soleus muscle properties by mechanical stress and/or neural activity
- Some aspects of heat stress on the plasticity of skeletal muscle cells
- Control of muscle protein synthesis in response to exercise and amino acids
- Modulation of Hippocampal Proteins by Exposure to Simulated Microgravity Environment during the Postnatal Development in Rats
- Some aspects of heat stress on the plasticity of skeletal muscle cells