Realization of Simple Antenna System Using ETS-VIII Satellite for Land Vehicle Communications
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This paper presents a realization of a simple antenna system for land vehicle satellite communication that is tested in experiments conducted on the Engineering Test Satellite-VIII (ETS-VIII). The developed antenna system which was mounted onto a vehicle roof is compact, light weight with simple satellite-tracking operation. In order to realize compact antennas, an onboard-power divider and switching circuit for antenna feeding control are mounted under the array antenna. A Global Positioning System (GPS) module is used to provide accurate information on the vehicles position and bearing during travelling. A personal computer (PC) is used as the control unit and data logger, which was specifically designed for this application, allow the switching circuit control as well as the retrieving of the received power levels and error rate. The field tests reported in this paper mainly address the tracking performance of the proposed antenna system. Satisfactory results were obtained. Good received power levels and bit error rate (BER) for tracking the ETS-VIII satellite were confirmed. Furthermore, in order to grasp the environmental factors that impact the quality of land vehicle communications, we carefully captured data at obstacles such as buildings, foliages, utility poles and highway overpasses. The results showed blockage and shadowing was confirmed. Additionally, when the antenna was tested at the inclined-road for simple propagation characteristics in elevation direction, stable reception of the satellite signals was realized.
- (社)電子情報通信学会の論文
- 2009-11-01
Graduate School of Science and Technology, Chiba University
SAITO Kazuyuki
Research Center for Frontier Medical Engineering, Chiba University
Research Center for Frontier Medical Engineering, Chiba University
ITO Koichi
Graduate School of Engineering, Chiba University
Saito Kazuyuki
Chiba Univ. Chiba‐shi Jpn
Saito Kazuyuki
Research Center For Frontier Medical Engineering Chiba University
Purnomo M.
Graduate School Of Science And Technology Chiba University
Takahashi Masaharu
Chiba Univ. Chiba Jpn
Ito Koichi
Graduate School Of Engineering Chiba University
- Simple Switched-Beam Array Antenna System for Mobile Satellite Communications
- Realization of Simple Antenna System Using ETS-VIII Satellite for Land Vehicle Communications
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- Realization of Simple Antenna System Using ETS-VIII Satellite for Land Vehicle Communications
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- 簡素人体モデルを利用したウェアラブルデバイスによる電界分布
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- Localized Heating and Expansion of Heating Region by Using Thin Coaxial Antennas for Microwave Coagulation Therapy ((放送方式、放送現業、無線・光伝送)2000 Asia-Pacific Symposium on Broadcasting and Communications)
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- B-1-115 HFからUHF帯における人体通信チャネルの姿勢依存性解析(B-1.アンテナ・伝播B(アンテナ一般),一般セッション)
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- B-1-18 UWB-WBANシステムに用いる変調方式の検討(B-1.アンテナ・伝播A(電波伝搬,非通信利用),一般セッション)
- B-1-112 体内植込み型心臓ペースメーカ周辺のSAR分布の評価(B-1.アンテナ・伝播B(アンテナ一般),一般セッション)
- B-1-111 標準体重の胎児モデルを用いた場合の半波長ダイポールアンテナによる胎児内SAR解析(B-1.アンテナ・伝播B(アンテナ一般),一般セッション)
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- Two-Dimensional Vibration Intensity Measurement by Wave Composition
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- Theoretical Estimation of Scattering Waves in Transverse Section of Upper Body for On-Body Wireless Communications
- 胆管癌に対する温熱治療用マイクロ波アンテナの実験的評価
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- A compact wearable planar inverted-F antenna at ISM band for on-body communications at 2.45 GHz (アンテナ・伝播)
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- Design of the Implanted RFID Antenna and Comparison of Received Power on Three Human Arm Models (アンテナ・伝播)
- 携帯無線端末が植込み型心臓ペースメーカに与える影響評価(学生若手発表および一般)
- Design of the Implanted RFID Antenna and Comparison of Received Power on Three Human Arm Models (放送技術)
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- 携帯端末向け分散MIMOシステムのアンテナ性能評価 (放送技術)
- B-1-222 端末間通信を用いた端末向け分散MIMOアンテナシステムの基本性能評価(B-1.アンテナ・伝播C(アンテナシステム),一般セッション)
- B-1-221 端末向け分散MIMOアンテナの伝送容量評価(B-1.アンテナ・伝播C(アンテナシステム),一般セッション)
- B-1-81 微小埋め込み機器用平面アンテナの設計(B-1.アンテナ・伝播B(アンテナ一般),一般セッション)
- B-4-37 妊娠13,18,26週齢における胎児内温度上昇評価(B-4.環境電磁工学,一般セッション)
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- Performance evaluation and experiment of an implantable RFID tag antenna in human arm for in-body wireless communication
- Simple urination detection system using RFID
- Development of RFID Antenna for Detection of Urination
- Design of Miniature Implantable Tag Antenna for Radio-Frequency Identification System at 2.45GHz and Received Power Analysis
- Property Variation of Ni--W Electroformed Mold for Micro-Press Molding
- RFID技術を用いた排尿検知システムの開発
- 複数端末に分散配置したMIMOアンテナの有用性評価 (アンテナ・伝播)
- Development of multi-layered biological tissue-equivalent phantom for HF band
- RFID技術を用いた排尿検知システムの開発(アンテナ・伝搬,知的環境を実現するセンサネットワークの基盤と応用技術論文)
- B-1-64 集中定数を分岐素子で代用したアンテナ間低結合化手法(B-1.アンテナ・伝播B,(アンテナ一般),一般セッション)
- B-4-37 妊娠女性が腹部近傍でタブレット端末を使用した際の母体および胎児内SAR評価(B-4.環境電磁工学,一般セッション)
- BS-9-23 点滴針の自己技去モニタリングシステム用RFIDアンテナの基礎検討(BS-9.高齢化社会における医療・ヘルスケアを実現するための情報通信技術,シンポジウムセッション)
- B-4-38 体内に医療用金属デバイスが留置された患者の頭部MR撮影時におけるSAR評価(B-4.環境電磁工学,一般セッション)
- B-1-179 在宅医療用ウェアラブルセンサの受信電圧解析(B-1.アンテナ・伝播B,(アンテナ一般),一般セッション)
- 絆創膏埋込み型RFIDタグアンテナ (アンテナ・伝播)
- B-1-175 生理食塩水中でのマイクロ波による組織凝固特性の評価(B-1.アンテナ・伝播B,(アンテナ一般),一般セッション)
- Generation of Controllable Heating Patterns for Interstitial Microwave Hyperthermia by Coaxial-Dipole Antennas
- Specific absorption rates of pregnant females and their fetuses from simple and realistic electromagnetic sources
- Development of antenna for wireless power transmission to capsular endoscope
- Magnetic Field Homogeneity of Birdcage Coil for 4T MRI System with No Lumped Circuit Elements
- 通信技術の革新を担う学生論文特集の発行にあたって(通信技術の革新を担う学生論文)
- サーモグラフィ法によるSAR測定における熱移動の補正(光応用電磁界計測技術の最新動向論文)
- 1.2GHz帯ワイヤレスカメラ使用時のSAR評価 : 生体等価固体ファントムを用いたSAR測定(学生・若手発表および一般)
- Small Multi-Band Antenna with Tuning Function for Body-Centric Wireless Communications
- 入門:RFIDタグのアンテナ設計(第1回)
- Performance Evaluation of a Dual-band Implantable Antenna Design using a Human-Arm-Model (アンテナ・伝播)
- 入門:RFIDタグのアンテナ設計(第2回)
- Microwave antennas for intracavitary thermal therapy:- Numerical calculations and animal experiment -