Noisy Speech Recognition Based on Integration/Selection of Multiple Noise Suppression Methods Using Noise GMMs
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To achieve high recognition performance for a wide variety of noise and for a wide range of signal-to-noise ratio, this paper presents methods for integration of four noise reduction algorithms: spectral subtraction with smoothing of time direction, temporal domain SVD-based speech enhancement, GMM-based speech estimation and KLT-based comb-filtering. In this paper, we proposed two types of combination methods of noise suppression algorithms: selection of front-end processor and combination of results from multiple recognition processes. Recognition results on the CENSREC-1 task showed the effectiveness of our proposed
- (社)電子情報通信学会の論文
- 2008-03-01
KITAOKA Norihide
Nagoya University
Nakagawa Seiichi
Toyohashi Univ. Technol. Toyohashi‐shi Jpn
Nakagawa Seiichi
Toyohashi Univ. Of Technol. Toyohashi‐shi Jpn
Kitaoka Norihide
Toyohashi University Of Technology
Toyohashi University of Technology
Kitaoka Norihide
Nagoya Univ.
Nagoya University
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