Long-Term Clinical Outcome of Chronic Total Occlusive Lesions Treated With Drug-Eluting Stents : Comparison of Sirolimus-Eluting and Paclitaxel-Eluting Stents
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Background: There are few studies comparing the efficacy of different drug-eluting stents and their long-term clinical outcomes in percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) of chronic total occlusive (CTO) lesions. Methods and Results: To compare the efficacy of sirolimus-eluting stents (SES) and paclitaxel-eluting stents (PES) for CTO, and to identify predictors of outcome after PCI, 200 patients with at least 1 successfully revascularized CTO were enrolled into either a SES (n=132) or PES (n=71) group. At 6-9-month angiographic follow-up, SES was superior to PES (late loss 0.27±0.60 vs 0.53±0.62 mm, P=0.04). During mean follow-up of 2 years, the SES group had a significantly lower cumulative target vessel failure (TVF) rate than the PES group (14.9% vs 28.4%, P=0.01), as a consequence of lower target vessel revascularization (9.7% vs 23.9%, P=0.01) and also a partially lower rate of myocardial infarction (MI: 3.1% vs 7.6%, P=0.04). SES was also superior to PES in both early (≤9 months) and late (>9 months) TVF (P=0.02 for log-rank test, respectively). Predictors for TVF were use of PES (hazard ratio (HR) 3.81, P<0.01), previous history of MI (HR 4.06, P<0.01), diabetes (HR 2.07, P=0.04) and chronic kidney disease (CKD; HR 3.56, P=0.05). Conclusions: CTO lesions treated with SES showed better angiographic and long-term clinical outcomes than those treated with PES. Factors such as stent type, infarct-related CTO, diabetes and CKD affect the outcome of CTO intervention.
- 2010-03-25
Lee Seung-Pyo
Cardiovascular Center, Seoul National University Hospital
Kim Song-Yi
Cardiovascular Center, Seoul National University Hospital
Koo Bon-Kwon
Cardiovascular Center, Seoul National University Hospital
Koo Bon-kwon
Seoul National University Hospital
Koo Bon
Heart Center Of Chonnam National University Hospital
Youn Tae-jin
Youn T‐j
Bundang Hospital College Of Medicine Seoul National University
Yeon Tae-jin
Choi Dong-joo
Bundang Hospital College Of Medicine Seoul National University
Park Kyung
Department Of Laboratory Medicine Seoul National University College Of Medicine:seoul National Unive
Kim H‐s
Seoul National University Hospital
Kim Hyo-soo
Kim Hyo-soo
Seoul National University Hospital
Suh Jung-won
Seoul National University Bundang Hospital
Kim Sang-hyun
Department Of Internal Medicine Cardiovascular Center Seoul National University Hospital:seoul Natio
Park Keun-Ho
Seoul National University Hospital
Kim Hyung-Kwan
Seoul National University Hospital
Chae In-ho
Bundang Hospital College Of Medicine Seoul National University
Choi Yun
Department Of Internal Medicine Seoul National University College Of Medicine
Cho Young-seok
Bundang Hospital College Of Medicine Seoul National University
Kang Hyun-jae
Kang H‐j
Seoul National University Hospital
Park Y‐b
Division Of Cardiology Department Of Internal Medicine Seoul National University College Of Medicine
Song Jong-min
Seoul National University Bundang Hospital
Cho Young-seok
Department Of Internal Medicine Seoul National University College Of Medicine Seoul National Univers
Youn Tae-jin
Department Of Cardiology Chungbuk National University Hospital
Park Keun-ho
Department Of Laboratory Medicine Seoul National University College Of Medicine:seoul National Unive
Park Keun-ho
Choi Dong-ju
Bundang Hospital College Of Medicine Seoul National University
PARK Kyung-Woo
Jeju self-government province
SHIN Dong-Ho
Jeju self-government province
KANG Hyun-Jae
Jeju self-government province
KOO Bon-Kwon
Jeju self-government province
SUH Jung-Won
Jeju self-government province
CHO Young-Seok
Jeju self-government province
YEON Tae-Jin
Jeju self-government province
Jeju self-government province
CHOI Dong-Ju
Jeju self-government province
KIM Hyo-Soo
Jeju self-government province
Lee Sang-eun
Cardiovascular Center Seoul National University Hospital
Choi Dong-ju
Department Of Internal Medicine Seoul National University College Of Medicine Seoul National Univers
Park Hyo
Park Young-bae
Division Of Cardiology Department Of Internal Medicine College Of Medicine Seoul National University
Chae In-ho
Seoul National University College Of Medicine Cardiovascular Center Seoul National University Bundan
Park Young
Division Of Cardiology Department Of Internal Medicine College Of Medicine Seoul National University
Kim Hyo-soo
Cardiovascular Center And Department Of Internal Medicine Seoul National University Hospital
Park K‐w
Jeju Self-government Province
Cho Young-seok
Department Of Internal Medicine Seoul National University College Of Medicine Seoul National Univers
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