Broad-Band Temporal and Spectral Variation of 36 Active Galactic Nuclei Observed with Suzaku
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Astronomical Society of Japanの論文
- 2009-12-25
Department of Astrophysics, Nagoya University
HABA Yoshito
Department of Particle and Astrophysics, Nagoya University
Miyazawa Takuya
Department of Cardiology, Surugadai Nihon University Hospital
Miyazawa Takuya
Department Of Caldiology Nihon University Of Medicine
Kunieda Hideyo
Department Of Physics Nagoya University
Kunieda Hideyo
Department Of Astrophysics Nagoya University
Miyazawa Takuya
Department Of Physics Nagoya University
Haba Yoshito
Department Of High Energy Astrophysics Institute Of Space And Astronautical Science Japan Aerospace
- Suzaku Observations of Tycho's Supernova Remnant
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- OE-115 Current State of Emergency Cardiovascular Care Requiring CCU Admission in Tokyo Metropolitan District : From Tokyo CCU Network Annual Survey(OE20,ACS/AMI (Clinical/Diagnosis) (IHD),Oral Presentation (English),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of T
- Suzaku Observations of Tycho's Supernova Remnant
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- PJ-070 Relationship Between Calcified lesion and Culprit Coronary Artery Stenoses in Stable Angina and Acute Myocardial infarction : Intravascular Ultrasound Study(Acute Coronary Syndrome, Basic/Clinical 1 (IHD) : PJ12)(Poster Session (Japanese))
- OJ-485 Comparison of the Effects of Carvedilol and Enalapril on Ventricular Remodeling and the Long-Term Prognosis after Acute Myocardial Infarction(Old Myocardial Infarction/Remodeling 1 (IHD) : OJ59)(Oral Presentation (Japanese))
- PJ-107 Clinical Background and Outcome of the Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction Requiring Cardiac Assist Device in Tokyo CCU Network Cohort(PJ018,ACS/AMI (Clinical/Treatment) 1 (IHD),Poster Session (Japanese),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of
- PE-449 In-Emergency-Room Characteristics of Heart Failure Caused by Hypertensive Heart Disease(PE075,Heart Failure (Pathophysiology) (M),Poster Session (English),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- OE-132 In Hospital Outcome in Patients with Acute Heart Failure in JapanAnalysis Using Database of Tokyo CCU Network(OE23,Heart Failure (Pathophysiology) (M),Oral Presentation (English),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japanese Circulation Societ
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- Hard X-Ray Variability of AGN Observed with Suzaku(Chapter 10. Super Massive Black Holes, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era)
- Suzaku observation of two ultraluminous X-ray sources in NGC 1313
- Randomized comparison of vasopressin and epinephnine in patients out-of-hospital cardiac arrest
- Orbital Calibration of the XIS(Chapter 12. Instructions of Suzaku Data Analysis, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era)
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- Suzaku X-Ray Spectroscopy of a Peculiar Hot Star in the Galactic Center Region
- The X-Ray Telescope onboard Suzaku
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- Suzaku Observation of G359.79-0.26, a New Supernova Remnant Candidate in the Galactic Center
- Clinical Outcome and Quality of Life of Octogenarian Patients Following Percutaneous Coronary Intervention or Surgical Coronary Revascularization
- OJ-477 Comparison of Pravastatin versus Simvastatin in Inducing Coronary Plaque Regression, as Assessed by 3-dimensional Intravascular Ultrasound(Angina Pectoris, Clinical 3 (IHD) : OJ58)(Oral Presentation (Japanese))
- OJ-145 Relationship Between the Serum Level of Lipoprotein (a) and Lipid Pool-Like Images Detected by Intravascular Ultrasound in Infarct-Related Coronary Artery(Acute Myocardial Infarction, Clinical (Diagnosis/Treatment) 4 (IHD) : OJ17)(Oral Presentation
- PJ-610 Left Ventricular Diastolic Dysfunction and Pulmonary Hypertension Relating to Hypoxemia Contribute to High Altitude Pulmonary Edema (HAPE)(PJ102,Pulmonary Circulation 2 (H),Poster Session (Japanese),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japanes
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- ASCA Observation of the Low-Luminosity Seyfert 1.5 Galaxy NGC 5033
- ASCA Observation of the Rapid Burster in Quiescence
- The X-Ray Telescope on board ASCA
- Prevention against Sudden Cardiac Death in Patients with Highly-risked Cardiac Disease : Tokyo Coronary Care Home Defibrillation Program(Emergency Care 1 (H), The 69th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- Time Variability of the Geocoronal Solar-Wind Charge Exchange in the Direction of the Celestial Equator
- Spectral Study of the Galactic Ridge X-Ray Emission with Suzaku
- X-Ray Spectral Study of the Extended Emission, 'the Cap', Located 11.6kpc above the Disk of M82
- FRS-102 Pharmacological Modification on Left Ventricular Hemodynamics in Patients with Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy to Evaluate Cases for Percutaneous Septal Myocardial Ablation(Frontier of Cardiomyopathy Research-2 (M) FRS21,Featured Research
- The Suzaku Observation of NGC 3516 : Complex Absorption and the Broad and Narrow Fe K Lines
- Precision Fe Kα and Fe Kβ Line Spectroscopy of the Seyfert 1.9 Galaxy NGC 2992 with Suzaku
- Pre-Collimator of the Astro-E2 X-Ray Telescopes for Stray-Light Reduction
- Wide-Band Spectroscopy of the Compton Thick Seyfert 2 Galaxy Markarian 3 with Suzaku
- PE-071 Percutaneous Transluminal Septal Myocardial Ablation Restores Large vWF Multimer Deficit in Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy(Cardiomyopathy, basic/clinical-3 (M) PE12,Poster Session (English),The 70th Anniversary Annual Scientific Meeting of
- XMM-Newton Observations of NGC 4051 : Temporal Flux and Spectral Variability during Transition to the Faintest Phase in NGC 4051
- Suzaku Spectroscopy of an X-Ray Reflection Nebula and a New Supernova Remnant Candidate in the Sgr B1 Region
- Spatial Distribution of the Galactic Center Diffuse X-Rays and the Spectra of the Brightest 6.4keV Clumps
- OE-257 Effects of Percutaneous Transluminal Septal Myocardial Ablation on Myocardial Deformation in Patients With Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy Using Ultrasonic Strain Measurements(Echo/Doppler 12 (I) : OE32)(Oral Presentation (English))
- The New Index of Regional Left Ventricular Function Using Tissue Doppler Imaging in Patients with Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy
- The Variable O VIII Warm Absorber in MCG-6-30-15
- Implication for Super-Critical Accretion Flow in the Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxy PKS 0558-504
- Overdensity of X-Ray Sources in the Field of Two Nearby Clusters of Galaxies : XMM-Newton View of A 194 and A 1060
- A Super Bubble Candidate in the Galactic Center and a Local Enhancement G359.77-0.09
- Roughness Measurement of X-Ray Mirror Surfaces
- A Joint Suzaku and Chandra Spectroscopy Study of Hard X-Ray Emission from the Arches Cluster(Chapter 7. Stars and Clusters, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era)
- PE-568 Remarkable incidence of Pulmonary Hypertension Relating to Hypoxemia in Healthy Mountaineers at the Top of Mt. Fuji(Pulmonary circulation(02)(H),Poster Session(English),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- Homa, Used as a MARKER of Insulin Resistance, Is also Associated with Endothelial Dysfunction
- Evaluation of Progression and Regression of Coronary Atherosclerosis by 3-Dimensional IVUS : Possible Role of High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol
- Possible Mechanism of Coronary Plaque Regression with Statin Therapy : Role of Soluble Vascular Cellular Adhesion Molecule-1 in the Coronary Circulation
- Suzaku Spectroscopy of Extended X-Ray Emission in M 17
- Broad-Band Temporal and Spectral Variation of 36 Active Galactic Nuclei Observed with Suzaku
- Characterization of a Hard X-ray Telescope at Synchrotron Facility SPring-8
- Non-Uniform Temperature Distribution in the Galaxy Clusters 2A 0335+096 and Abell 496 Observed by XMM-Newton
- On-Orbit Performance of the X-Ray Telescopes and Thermal Wobbling of the Suzaku Satellite