- 論文の詳細を見る
The aim of this study was to compare co-contraction of ankle muscles between older and young adults performing a voluntary sway task, and identify any relationships between co-contraction, balance ability and muscular strength. The task involved displacement of the center of mass backwards and forwards continually during upright stance under three amplitude conditions, large, small and preferred, with sway speeds of slow, medium and fast. The participants comprised 17 older (64.1±2.9 years) and 14 young (21.3±3.3 years) women. Electromyographic recordings were obtained from the tibialis anterior and the medial gastrocnemius muscles during task performance to calculate the co-contraction index (CCI) and evaluate the relative level of co-contraction of antagonist muscle. Additional measurements were obtained from balance tests including body sway tests, functional reach, gait tests, and the EquiTest (Neurocom), and also muscular strength of plantar flexion and dorsiflexion. The CCI was highest under large sway amplitude, but did not differ among sway speeds. The CCI was higher in the older group (23%) than in the young group (15%). Multiple regression analysis revealed that the CCI correlated with body sway in the EquiTest and functional reach, and dorsiflexion strength. Therefore, this study suggested that co-contraction of ankle muscles increased with aging and related to not only static and dynamic balance abilities, but also ankle dorsiflexor strength.
- 2010-02-01
相馬 優樹
衣笠 隆
漆畑 俊哉
三好 寛和
漆畑 俊哉
衣笠 隆
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