Integrated Design of an Ionic Polymer-Metal Composite Actuator/Sensor
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2008-07-01
山北 昌毅
山北 昌毅
東京工業大学 大学院 理工学研究科
Department of Mechanical Control and System Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Department of Mechanical Control and System Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Bio-Mimetic Control Research Center, The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN)
Research Institute for Cell Engineering, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Techn
Yamakita Masaki
Department Of Control And System Engineering Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Asaka K
Research Institute For Cell Engineering National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science And Techno
Asaka Kinji
Research Institute For Cell Engineering (rice) National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science And
Sera Akio
Department Of Mechanical Control And System Engineering Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Kamamichi Norihiro
Bio-mimetic Control Research Center The Institute Of Physical And Chemical Research (riken)
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- 非線形カルマンフィルタ, 片山徹著, 出版社朝倉書店, 発行2011年11月, 全ページ192頁, 価格3,200円, ISBN978-4-254-20148-2
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- 2足歩行における足首弾性の効果
- 国際デザインコンテスト (IDCロボコン) 2012
- ロバストUKFとそのパラメータ設計手法