Improved Method to Simulate Gradient in Alumina Packing Fraction in Alumina/Epoxy Composite Fabricated by a Centrifugal Method
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2006-08-01
林 則行
HAYASHI Noriyuki
Applied Science for Electronics and Materials, Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Scie
Applied Science for Electronics and Materials, Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Scie
TSURU Shin-Ichiro
Power System Planning Group, Power System Engineering Department, Kyushu Electric Power Company
HARA Masanori
Research Laboratory, Kyushu Electric Power Company
HAYASHI Noriyuki
Kyushu University
Hara Masanori
Ees Faculty Of Information Sciences And Electrical Engineering Kyushu University
Hara M
Ees Faculty Of Information Sciences And Electrical Engineering Kyushu University
Sugahara Tetsuo
Applied Science For Electronics And Materials Interdisciplinary Graduate School Of Engineering Scien
Hayashi Noriyuki
Applied Science For Electronics And Materials Faculty Of Engineering Sciences Kyushu University
林 則行
宮崎大学 工学部 電気電子工学科
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