Evaluation of biological activities of extracts from 22 African tropical wood species
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- Springerの論文
- 2009-06-25
清水 恵子
Dep. Of Legal Medicine Asahikawa Medical Coll.
Shimizu Kuniyoshi
Faculty Of Agriculture Kyushu University
Shimizu Kuniyoshi
Kyushu Univ. Fukuoka Jpn
Makino Rei
Department Of Biomass Chemistry Forestry And Forest Products Research Institute
Hashida Koh
Department Of Biomass Chemistry Forestry And Forest Products Research Institute
Ohara Seiji
Department Of Biomass Chemistry Forestry And Forest Products Research Institute
Kondo Ryuichiro
Department Of Forest And Forest Products Sciences Graduate School Of Bioresource And Bioenvironmenta
Faculty of Forestry, University of Toronto
Forestry Division, Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences
SHIMIZU Kuniyoshi
Systematic Forest and Forest Products, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University
KONDO Ryuichiro
Systematic Forest and Forest Products, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University
Kondo R
Systematic Forest And Forest Products Faculty Of Agriculture Kyushu University
Kondo R
Department Of Forest And Forest Products Sciences Graduate School Of Bioresource And Bioenvironmenta
Kondo Ryuichiro
Kyushu Univ. Fukuoka Jpn
Huang Zeen
Faculty Of Forestry University Of Toronto
Kawamura Fumio
Forestry Division Japan International Research Center For Agricultural Sciences
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