Cloned cells from the murine dermal papilla have hair-inducing ability
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2009-05-01
Department of Metabolic Disorder, Research Institute, International Medical Center of Japan
Department of Surgery, Tokyo Women's Medical College Daini Haspital.
OKOCHI Hitoshi
Department of Regenerative Medicine, Research Institute, International Medical Center of Japan
Hamazaki Tatsuo
Department Of Regenerative Medicine Research Institute International Medical Center Of Japan
Hamazaki Tatsuo
Department Of Biomaterials Science Faculty Of Dentistry Tokyo Medical And Dental University
Hamazaki Tatsuo
Tokyo Medical And Dental University Bunkyo-ku Tokyo
Department of Regenerative Medicine, Research Institute, International Medical Center of Japan
MASUI Shinji
Department of Regenerative Medicine, Research Institute, International Medical Center of Japan
Osada Aki
Department Of Regenerative Medicine Research Institute International Medical Center Of Japan
Osada Aki
Department Of Biology Faculty Of Science Chiba University
Masui Shinji
Department Of Regenerative Medicine Research Institute International Medical Center Of Japan
Yasuda Kazuki
Department Of Internal Medicine And Molecular Science Graduate School Of Medicine Osaka University
Yasuda Kazuki
Department Of Metabolic Disorders Research Institute International Medical Center Of Japan
Okochi Hitoshi
Department Of Regenerative Medicine Research Institute International Medical Center Of Japan
Okochi Hitoshi
Department Of Dermatology Faculty Of Medicine University Of Tokyo
Kobayashi Koji
Department Of Regenerative Medicine Research Institute International Medical Center Of Japan
Kobayashi Koji
Department Of Biology Faculty Of Science Chiba University
Masui Shinji
Department of Biological Sciences, Graduate School of Science, University of Tokyo
Yasuda Kazuki
Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism, International Medical Center of Japan
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