Dual Temperature- and pH-Responsive Fluorescence Molecular Probe for Cellular Imaging Utilizing a PNIPAAm-Fluorescein Copolymer
Okano Teruo
Institute Of Advanced Biomedical Engineering And Science Tokyo Women's Medical University
金澤 秀子
金澤 秀子
Faculty Of Pharmacy Keio University
Kobayashi Hiroki
Faculty Of Pharmacy Keio University
Faculty of Pharmacy, Keio University
Faculty of Pharmacy, Keio University
NISHIO Tadashi
Faculty of Pharmacy, Keio University
Faculty of Pharmacy, Keio University
Sakamoto Chikako
Faculty Of Pharmacy Keio University
Nishikawa Mayumi
Faculty Of Pharmacy Keio University
Nishio Tadashi
Faculty Of Pharmacy Keio University
Kanazawa Hideko
Faculty Of Pharmacy Keio University
Okano Teruo
Institute Of Advanced Biomedical Engineering And Science Center Of Excellence (coe) Program For The
Okano Teruo
Institute of Advanced Biomedical Engineering and Science, Tokyo Women's Medical University
Institute of Advanced Biomedical Engineering and Science (TWIns), Tokyo Women's Medical University
- 高速液体クロマトグラフィー/タンデム質量分析法による畜水産物中動物用医薬品スクリーニング分析法(安心と安全に役立つ分析化学)
- DPE-008 Bone Marrow Derived Mononuclear Cells Improve the Cardiac Function of Dilated Cardiomyopathy Models via Gr-1 Positive Cells-secreted Factors(DPE02,Heart Failure, Basic (M),Digital Poster Session (English),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The
- PE-424 Bone Marrow Derived Monomuclear Cells Transiently Improve the Cardiac Function of Dilated Cardiomyophthy Models via Gr-1 Positive cells-secreted Factors(Heart failure, basic(04)(M),Poster Session(English),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the J
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- Reduction of the Side Effects of an Antitumor Agent, KRN5500, by Incorporation of the Drug into Polymeric Micelles
- OE-132 Demonstration of Electrical Disconnection of the Cell Sheets between Cardiomyocytes and Skeletal Muscle Cells by Optical Mapping(Arrhythmia, Basic 4 (A) : OE16)(Oral Presentation (English))
- HPLCによるテオフィリンとその代謝物の同時分析
- 温度応答性クロマトグラフィー
- 温度応答性高分子を用いたクロマトグラフィー
- 47. マルチECDを用いるカテコールアミン類の分析
- (47)マルチECDを用いるカテコールアミン類の分析
- Preparative High-Performance Liquid Chromatography on Chemically Modified Porous Glass. : Isolation of Saponins from Ginseng
- Fibroblast sheets co-cultured with endothelial progenitor cells improve cardiac function of infarcted hearts
- OE-238 Adult Murine Heart Derived Clonal Expanded Sca-1 Positive Cell Sheet Ameliorates Cardiac Dysfunction after Myocardial Infarction(Regeneration(angiogenesis/myocardial regeneration)(01)(M),Oral Presentation(English),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting
- 高速液体クロマトグラフィー/タンデム質量分析法による畜産物中のベンズイミダゾール系寄生虫駆虫剤の分析(「若手研究者の初論文」)
- 機能性高分子を用いる温度応答性クロマトグラフィーの開発
- PJ-786 Stable Delivery and Long-Term Survival of Sheet-Shaped Skeletal Myoblast in Infarct Myocardium(PJ132,Heart Failure, Basic (M),Poster Session (Japanese),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japanese Circulation Society)
- Maturation of the Extracellular Matrix and Cell Adhesion Molecules in Layered Co-cultures of HepG2 and Endothelial Cells
- Fabrication of transplantable human oral mucosal epithelial cell sheets using temperature-responsive culture inserts without feeder layer cells
- 研究速報 : 生薬成分の超高速液体クロマトグラフィー : 薬用人参、柴胡、甘草中の酸性サポニン類の分析
- Myocardial tissue reconstruction : The cell sheet engineering approach
- Cell sheet engineering for regenerative medicine : From the viewpoint of inflammation
- PE-530 Production of a Multilayer from Mesenchymal Stem Cell Sheets of Bone Marrow and Adipose Tissue of Pigs(Molecular biology, myocardium-2, The 71st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- Induction technology of vascular networks within bioengineered tissues
- Fibroblast Cell Sheets Co-cultured with Endothelial Progenitor Cells Improve Cardiac Function of Infarcted Heart(Tissue Engineering (H), The 69th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- PE-087 Growth hormone promotes hypertrophy of the myocardial tissue graft(Tissue Engineering (H) : PE15)(Poster Session (English))
- Tissue engineering for myocardial regeneration
- A Novel Tool of Temperature-Responsive Cell Culture Surfaces and Its Application to Matrix Biology
- 環境応答性高分子を用いる新規分離システム(機能性界面と分析化学)
- Application of cell-sheet engineering for reconstitution of functional thyroid tissue from isolated thyroid cells
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- 温度応答性クロマトグラフィーによるカテキン類の分離
- Induction of Drug-Metabolizing Enzymes by Phenobarbital in Layered Co-culture of a Human Liver Cell Line and Endothelial Cells
- Cell Sheet Transplantation Therapy for Heart Disease(Cell Sheet Transplantation Therapy for Heart Disease, The 71st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- Ectopic transplantation of hepatocyte sheets fabricated with temperature-responsive culture dishes
- ライフサポート学会をもっと広めよう!
- 薬剤師のための生涯学習支援システム
- 温度応答性クロマトグラフィー
- 3 Myocardial Regeneration Therapy Using Autologous Cell Sheet(Plenary Session 6 (PL-6) (M) Recent Update in Myocardial Regeneration : The Present Status and the Future Directions,Special Program,The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulati
- Dual Temperature- and pH-Responsive Fluorescence Molecular Probe for Cellular Imaging Utilizing a PNIPAAm-Fluorescein Copolymer
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- Preparation of packing materials for temperature-responsive chromatography--Modincation of silica surface with poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)
- '96 分析機器展見聞記
- Determination of α-Tocopherol and α-Tocopherylquinone in Rat Tissues and Plasma by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography with Electrochemical Detection
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- Influential factors on temperature-controlled gene expression using thermoresponsive polymeric gene carriers
- Multi-Layered and Vascularized Myocardial Tissue Grafts Fabricated by Cell Sheet Engineering
- Bio-functionalized surface designs necessary for applications in regenerative medicine
- Adenosine-Induced Changes of the Phase Transition of Poly(6-(acryloyloxymethyl)uracil) Aqueous Solution
- One-Year Survival of Tissue-Engineered Pulsatile Myocardial Tissue Grafts in Vivo
- 2 Bioengineered Myocardial Tissue Grafts for Repairing Damaged Hearts(Plenary Session 8 (PL8) (IHD) : Toward Optimal Transplant Programs in Japan : from Cellular, Tissue and Solid Organ Aspects)(Special Program)
- Cell sheet engineering utilizing intelligent materials for regenerative medicine
- Cardiac tissue reconstruction based on cell sheet engineering
- In vitro fabrication of three-dimensional heart muscle model for measuring isometric contractile force by novel tissue engineering technology
- PE-082 A Novel in Vitro Fabrication of the Vessel Wall Utilizing "Cell Sheet Engineering"(Tissue Engineering (H) : PE15)(Poster Session (English))
- 3 Cell Sheet-Based Tissue Engineering for Rebuilding Damaged Hearts(Regeneration Therapy Using Tissue Engineering, The 71st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- In vivo survival and beating of tissue engineered cardiac grafts by novel technology "Cell Sheet Engineering"
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- A tissue engineered contractile cardiac graft improves the cardiac performance in infarct rat heart
- 特集7 : 研究速報 : マルチECDを用いたHPLCによる神経伝達物質の分析
- Effective separation of peptides using highly dense thermo-responsive polymer brush-grafted porous polystyrene beads
- 環境応答性高分子を用いたHPLC用充填剤
- Preparation of Packing Materials for Temperature-Responsive Chromatography. Modification of Silica Surface with Poly (N-isopropylacrylamide)
- Advances in Bioanalysis : New Analytical Technologies and Their Applications
- Evaluation of vertical cell fluidity in a multilayered sheet of skeletal myoblasts(CELL AND TISSUE ENGINEERING)
- 温度応答性クロマトグラフィーを用いた医薬品の同時分析
- 温度応答性高分子を用いたクロマトグラフィーによる医薬品の分析 : Analysis of drugs using chromatography on temperature-responsive polymer
- "Deep-media culture condition" promoted lumen formation of endothelial cells within engineered three-dimensional tissues in vitro
- 高速液体クロマトグラフィーによる人参製剤中のginsenoside類の定量
- Evaluation of vertical cell fluidity in a multilayered sheet of skeletal myoblasts
- ペットボトル緑茶飲料中のカテキン類の機能性評価についての基礎的検討
- 環境応答性高分子の構築と生体高分子分離への応用
- 温度応答性クロマトグラフィーを用いた水系移動相による医薬品の分析
- 温度/pH制御型クロマトグラフィーによる医薬品の分析
- Handy-SPR(表面プラズモン共鳴)を用いたタンパク質の解析
- 茶カテキン類によるアルツハイマー病の予防効果に関する基礎的検討
- New isolation system for collecting living cells from tissue(CELL AND TISSUE ENGINEERING)
- 輸入茶, 輸入野菜中の環境放射能の定量
- Measuring Adhesion Force of a Cell Sheet by the Ninety-degree Peel Test Using a Multi Hook Type Fixture
- Study of Stereoselective Metabolism by Drug-metabolizing Enzyme Cytochrome P450
- Multicomponent analysis of human urine by high performance liquid chromatography and its application to cancer diagnosis.
- Stereospecific analysis of chiral drugs by metabolic enzyme
- Antioxidant Activity of Tocopherols by the Simultaneous Use of Toc Derivatives.
- Preparation of nanoparticles covered with inorganic compound as a drug carrier.
- The anti-oxidative activity by the combined use of vitamin E isomers
- The protective effect by the combined use of vitamin Eisomers on oxidative stress.