Perineal Hernia as a Rare Complication After Laparoscopic Abdominoperineal Resection : Report of a Case
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2009-04-01
Department of Superconductivity, The University of Tokyo
Department of Surgery, School of Medicine, Keio University
Department of Surgery, Keio University School of Medicine
HASEGAWA Hirotoshi
Department of Surgery, School of Medicine, Keio University
Kitagawa Yuko
Department Of Food Science And Technology School Of Agriculture Nagoya University
Hasegawa Hirotoshi
Department Of Surgery Keio University School Of Medicine
Hasegawa Hirotoshi
Department Of Surgery Keio University Hospital
Akatsu Tomotaka
Department Of Surgery Ogikubo Hospital
Akatsu Tomotaka
Department Of Preventive Medicine And Public Health School Of Medicine Keio University
Kojima Kenji
Department Of Physics Graduate School Of Science University Of Tokyo
MURAI Shinji
Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University
Murai Shinji
Department Of Surgery Ogikubo Hospital
Department of Surgery, Ogikubo Hospital
Department of Radiology, Ogikubo Hospital
Kamiya Satoshi
Department Of Surgery Ogikubo Hospital
Mizuhashi Yoshikazu
Department Of Radiology Ogikubo Hospital
Murai Shinji
Department Of Applied Chemistry Faculty Of Engineering Osaka University
Kojima Kenji
Department Of Surgery Ogikubo Hospital
Kojima Kenji
Department Of Electrical Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Kanagawa University
Murai Shinji
Department af Chemical Technology Faculty of Engineering Osaka University
Kojima Kenji
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, Gakushuin University
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