Improved Room-Temperature 1.6 μm Electroluminescence from $p$-Si/$\beta$-FeSi2/$n$-Si Double Heterostructures Light-Emitting Diodes
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We have epitaxially grown $p$-Si/$\beta$-FeSi2/$n$-Si double heterostructures light-emitting diodes (LEDs) on Si(111) substrates by molecular-beam epitaxy. The 1.6 μm electroluminescence intensity measured at room temperature (RT) was improved significantly for LEDs constructed using a thick $\beta$-FeSi2 active layer (190 nm) embedded in heavily-doped Si $p$--$n$ diodes formed on floating-zone Si(111) substrates. The external quantum efficiency was increased up to approximately 0.02% at RT.
- Japan Society of Applied Physicsの論文
- 2008-02-25
Institute of Applied Physics, University of Tsukuba
SUZUNO Mitsushi
Institute of Applied Physics, University of Tsukuba
Suemasu Takashi
Institute Of Applied Physics University Of Tsukuba
Suemasu Takashi
Presto Japan Science And Technology Agency
Suzuno Mitsushi
Institute Of Applied Physics University Of Tsukuba
Murase Shigemitsu
Institute Of Applied Physics University Of Tsukuba
Koizumi Tomoaki
Institute of Applied Physics, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8573, Japan
Koizumi Tomoaki
Institute Of Applied Physics University Of Tsukuba
Institlite of Materials Science, University of Tsukuba
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