Thermal Impact on Geological Disposal of Hull and End Piece Wastes Resulting from High-Burn-up Operation of LWR and Introduction of MOX Fuels into LWR
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The thermal impacts of hull and end piece wastes from high-burn-up UO2 and MOX fuels on a conventional disposal system were investigated. The heat generation rates in the canister containing these wastes were obtained using burn-up calculations of PWR fuels. For wastes from spent MOX fuel, the heat generation rates increase to 3.2–4.5 times that from present-day burn-up spent UO2 fuel when these canisters are disposed of. The temperature distributions in the area around the disposal galleries for these wastes were obtained using two-dimensional thermal analyses by assuming a maximum 80°C temperature exposure of the cement mortar. For wastes from spent MOX fuel, the temperature of the surrounding rock remains at about 60–70°C after disposal, even after 1,000 years. In this case, the number of canisters loaded in a waste package must be decreased from four to around one. This increases the number of waste packages to contain the required number of canisters. It will be important to apply alternative approaches to increase the amount of wastes in a waste package by reducing the amounts of FPs and actinides adhering to hulls and to optimize the layout design of galleries, which may be done by significantly increasing the distance separating neighboring galleries.
- 2009-05-01
Hokkaido University, Graduate School of Engineering, Division of Energy and Environmental Systems
SATO Seichi
Hokkaido University, Graduate School of Engineering, Division of Energy and Environmental Systems
KOZAKI Tamotsu
Hokkaido University, Graduate School of Engineering, Division of Energy and Environmental Systems
Kyushu University, Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Applied Quantum Physics and Nuclear
IWASAKI Tomohiko
Tohoku University, Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Quantum Science and Energy Engineer
OHE Toshiaki
Tokai University, School of Engineering, Department of Energy Science & Engineering
KATO Kazuyuki
The Federation of Electric Power Companies, Nuclear Power Department
Nuclear Waste Management Organization of Japan
The Institute of Applied Energy, Research Development Division
Tohoku University, Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Quantum Science and Energy Engineer
The University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Engineering, Nuclear Professional School
Nagasaki Shinya
The University Of Tokyo Graduate School Of Engineering Nuclear Professional School
Niibori Yuichi
Tohoku University Graduate School Of Engineering Department Of Quantum Science And Energy Engineerin
Hirano Fumio
Hokkaido University Graduate School Of Engineering Division Of Energy And Environmental Systems
Inagaki Yaohiro
Kyushu University Graduate School Of Engineering Department Of Applied Quantum Physics And Nuclear E
Iwasaki Tomohiko
Tohoku University Graduate School Of Engineering Department Of Quantum Science And Energy Engineerin
Iwasaki Tomohiko
Tohoku University
Sato Seichi
Hokkaido University Graduate School Of Engineering Division Of Energy And Environmental Systems
Ohe Toshiaki
Tokai University School Of Engineering Department Of Energy Science & Engineering
Kato Kazuyuki
The Federation Of Electric Power Companies Nuclear Power Department
小崎 完
Kozaki Tamotsu
Hokkaido University Graduate School Of Engineering Division Of Energy And Environmental Systems
Torikai Seishi
The Institute Of Applied Energy Research Development Division
Sato Seichi
Graduate School Of Engineering Hokkaido Univ.
Kozaki T
Div. Of Energy And Environmental Systems Graduate School Of Engineering Hokkaido Univ.
Kozaki Tamotsu
Division Of Energy And Environmental Systems Graduate School Of Engineering Hokkaido University
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