WEEE中の金属リサイクルに関する研究 : 金属含有量インベントリ作成のための調査
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Although Cu, Ag, Au and other metals are used for the electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) , the many kinds of metals in WEEE (Waste EEE) are not recycled now except Cu and precious metals. It is desired to promote recycling of metals in WEEE. However, EEE is improved with a time and the components and their materials which are used for EEE also change. That is, it means that the quality of recycling resources changes in recycling of WEEE. In this paper, it aimed at creating those inventories as basic information on examination of the recycling system of WEEE. The change of the mobile phone unit by improvement such as a miniaturization and introduction of a new function is quicker than other EEE. Therefore, contents of each element in mobile phones PCB (Printed Circuit Board) manufactured in 1997, 2002-2003 and 2005-2006 were investigated, and the causes of some changes were considered. It was shown that Pds substitution material (Ni) and tantalum capacitors substitute device (ceramic capacitor) have spread, and the amount of Pd and Ta used is decreasing by the unstable supply of metal resources or their rising value. It was shown that the amount of the harmful elements, such as Pb, Sb, Br, is decreasing by new substance regulation and growing environment-conscious. Moreover, some points in the recycling system which should be taken into consideration were clarified.
- 社団法人 資源・素材学会の論文
- 2009-02-25
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