Oblique Shocks in the Magnetic Reconnection Jet in Solar Flares
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Astronomical Society of Japanの論文
- 2007-04-25
Tanuma Syuniti
Kwasan Observatory Kyoto University
Shibata Kazunari
Kwasan And Hida Observatories Department Of Astronomy Kyoto University
- Generation of Alfven Waves by Magnetic Reconnection
- Solar-Type Magnetic Reconnection Model for Magnetar Giant Flares
- Spicule Dynamics over a Plage Region
- Observations of Chromospheric Anemone Jets with Hinode Ca II Broadband Filtergraph and Hida Ca II Spectroheliograph
- Cooperative Observation of Ellerman Bombs between the Solar Optical Telescope aboard Hinode and Hida/Domeless Solar Telescope
- Small-Scale Magnetic-Flux Emergence Observed with Hinode Solar Optical Telescope
- Umbral Fine Structures in Sunspots Observed with Hinode Solar Optical Telescope
- Internal Fine Structure of Ellerman Bombs
- Energetic Relations between the Disappearing Solar Filaments and the Associated Flare Arcades
- Slow and Fast MHD Shocks Associated with a Giant Cusp-Shaped Arcade on 1992 January 24
- Are Jets Ejected from Locally Magnetized Accretion Disk?
- Effect of a Magneto-Rotational Instability on Jets from Accretion Disks
- Magnetically driven jets from accretion disks : long-term nonsteady numerical simulations and comparison with steady theory(GRB & AGN,Prospects of High Energy Astrophysics)
- Resistive Magnetohydrodynamics of Jet Formation and Magnetically Driven Accretion
- Hydrodynamic Modeling of a Flare Loop Connecting the Accretion Disk and Central Core of Young Stellar Objects
- Three-Dimensional Simulation of Solar Emerging Flux Using the Earth Simulator : I. Magnetic Rayleigh-Taylor Instability at the Top of the Emerging Flux as the Origin of Filamentary Structure
- Velocity Structure of Jets in a Coronal Hole
- Temporal 1/f^α Fluctuations from Fractal Magnetic Fields in Black-Hole Accretion Flow
- Hot and Cool Plasmoid Ejections Associated with a Solar Flare
- Ca II K Spectral Study of an Emerging Flux Region using the Domeless Solar Telescope in Hida Observatory
- Height Dependence of Gas Flows in an Ellerman Bomb
- X-Ray Expanding Features Associated with a Moreton Wave
- Quasi-Periodic Inward Shock Formation from an Accretion Disk to a Black Hole and Its Application to Quasi-Periodic Oscillations in Microquasars(Poster)
- Long-Time Simulations of Astrophysical Jets : Energy Structure and Quasi-Periodic Ejection
- Relation between a Moreton Wave and an EIT Wave Observed on 1997 November 4
- Magnetohydrodynamical Accretion Flows : Formation of Magnetic Tower Jet and Subsequent Quasi-Steady State(Poster)
- Computational Magnetohydrodynamics of Turbulence, Dynamos, and Jet Formation in Differentially Rotating Astrophysical Disks
- Magnetic-Reconnection and Current-Sheet Model for the Radio Arc and Threads in the Galactic Center
- H I Jet G40-15 from a Rotating Cloud in the 4-kpc Molecular Ring : Magnetized Outflow and Formation of a Dense Star Cluster
- General Relativistic MHD Simulations of the Gravitational Collapse of a Rotating Star with Magnetic Field as a Model of Gamma-Ray Bursts(Poster)
- Evolution of the Kippenhahn-Schluter Prominence Model Magnetic Field under Cowling Resistivity
- Plasmoid-induced-reconnection and fractal reconnection
- Propagation of Moreton Waves
- Dependence of the Magnetic Energy of Solar Active Regions on the Twist Intensity of the Initial Flux Tubes
- Long Term Simulations of Astrophysical Jets(Poster)
- Statistical Study on the Nature of Solar-Flux Emergency
- A Study on Red Asymmetry of Hα Flare Ribbons Using a Narrowband Filtergram in the 2001 April 10 Solar Flare
- Oblique Shocks in the Magnetic Reconnection Jet in Solar Flares
- Magnetohydrodynamical Accretion Flows : Formation of Magnetic Tower Jet and Subsequent Quasi-Steady State(Poster)
- General Relativistic MHD Simulations of the Gravitational Collapse of a Rotating Star with Magnetic Field as a Model of Gamma-Ray Bursts(Poster)
- Quasi-Periodic Inward Shock Formation from an Accretion Disk to a Black Hole and Its Application to Quasi-Periodic Oscillations in Microquasars(Poster)
- Long Term Simulations of Astrophysical Jets(Poster)