Interactions of bradykinin and norepinephrine on rat cutaneous nociceptors in both normal and inflamed conditions in vitro
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2004-08-01
佐藤 純
Banik Ratan
Banik R
Nagoya Univ. Nagoya Jpn
Banik Ratan
Department Of Neural Regulation Research Institute Of Environmental Medicine Nagoya University
Sato Jun
Dep. Of Neuroscience Ii Res. Inst. Of Environmental Medicine Nagoya Univ.
Department of Neural Regulation, Research Institute of Environmental Medicine, Nagoya University
Department of Neural Regulation, Research Institute of Environmental Medicine, Nagoya University
Department of Neural Regulation, Research Institute of Environmental Medicine, Nagoya University
Department of Neural Regulation, Research Institute of Environmental Medicine, Nagoya University
Sato J
Department Of Neural Regulation Research Institute Of Environmental Medicine Nagoya University
Sato Jun
Department Of Neural Regulation Division Of Regulation Of Organ Function Research Institute Of Envir
Giron Rocio
Department Of Neural Regulation Research Institute Of Environmental Medicine Nagoya University
Yajima Hiroki
Department Of Neural Regulation Research Institute Of Environmental Medicine Nagoya University
Yajima Hiroki
Department Of Aging Medicine And Geriatrics Shinshu University School Of Medicine
Mizumura K
Department Of Neuroscience Ii Research Institute Of Environmental Medicine Nagoya University
Mizumura Kazue
Department Of Neural Regulation Division Of Regulation Of Organ Function Research Institute Of Envir
Sato Jun
Department Of Applied Physics And Chemistry The University Of Electro-communications
Sato Jun
Department Of Neural Regulation Research Institute Of Environmental Medicine Nagoya University
Sato Jun
Department Of Anesthesia Gunma Cancer Center
Yajima Hiroki[et
Department of Neural Regulation, Research Institute of Environmental Medicine, Nagoya University
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