Nitrogen Profile Study for SiON Gate Dielectrics of Advanced DRAM
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2007-09-19
New Industry Creation Hatchery Center, Tohoku University
OHMI Tadahiro
New Industry Creation Hatchery Center, Tohoku University
Teramoto A
New Industry Creation Hatchery Center Tohoku University
Tanaka Yoshitsugu
Tokyo Electron Ltd. Tokyo Jpn
Sugawa S
Graduate School Of Engineering Tohoku University
Ohmi T
Tohoku Univ. Sendai‐shi Jpn
SUGAWA Sigetoshi
Tohoku University
Akasaka Yasushi
Tokyo Electron Ltd. Tokyo Jpn
Tokyo Electron Ltd.
Tokyo Electron AT Ltd.
HONDA Minoru
Tokyo Electron AT Ltd.
Tokyo Electron AT Ltd.
Tokyo Electron AT Ltd.
HIROTA Yoshihiro
Tokyo Electron AT Ltd.
Tokyo Electron Ltd.
SUGAWA Shigetoshi
Tokyo Electron AT Ltd.
Teramoto Akinobu
New Industry Creation Hatchery Center Tohoku University
Teramoto Akinobu
Department Of Electronic Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Tohoku University
Sugawa Shigetoshi
Graduate School Of Engineering Tohoku University
Sugawa Shigetoshi
Department Of Electronic Engineering Tohoku University
Ohmi Tadahiro
New Industry Creation Hatchery Center Future Information Industry Creation Center Tohoku University
Nakanishi Toshio
Tokyo Electron At Ltd. Hyogo Jpn
Teramoto Akinobu
New Industry Creation Hatchery Center Tohoku Univ.
Akasaka Yasushi
Tokyo Electron Ltd.
Teramoto Akinobu
University Of Tohoku New Industry Creation Hatchery Center (niche)
Ohmi Tadahiro
New Industry Creation Hatchery Center (niche) Tohoku University
Tanaka Yoshitsugu
Tokyo Electron Ltd.
Teramoto Akinobu
New Industry Creation Hatchery Center (NICHe), Tohoku University, Sendai 980-8579, Japan
Sugawara Takuya
Tokyo Electron AT Ltd., Technology Development Center, 650, Hosaka-cho Mitsuzawa, Nirasaki, Yamanashi 407-0192, Japan
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- Highly Reliable MOS Trench Gate FET by Oxygen Radical Oxidation
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- Low Temperature Gate Oxidation MOS Transistor Produced by Kr/O_2 Microwave Excited High-Density Plasma
- Ultra-Thin Silicon Oxynitride Film Grown at Low-Temperature by Microwave-Excited High-Density Kr/O_2/N_2 Plasma
- Ultra-Thin Silicon Oxynitride Films as Cu Diffusion Barrier for Lowering Interconnect Resistivity
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- Low-Temperature Formation of Silicon Nitride Film by Direct Nitridation Employing High-Density and Low-Energy Ion Bombardment
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- Study on Compositional Transition Layers at Gate Dielectrics/Si Interface by using Angle-resolved X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
- Study on Compositional Transition Layers at Gate Dielectrics/Si Interface by using Angle-resolved X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
- Electric characteristics of Si_3N_4 films formed by directly radical nitridation on Si (110) and Si (100) surfaces
- A Technology for Reducing Flicker Noise for ULSI Applications
- High-Quality Silicon Oxide Film Formed by Diffusion Region Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition and Oxygen Radical Treatment Using Microwave-Excited High-Density Plasma
- Thin and Low-Resistivity Tantalum Nitride Diffusion Barrier and Giant-Grain Copper Interconnects for Advanced ULSI Metallization
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- Nitrogen Profile Study for SiON Gate Dielectrics of Advanced DRAM
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- PVD Tantalum Oxide with Buffer Silicon Nitride Stacked High-k MIS Structure Using Low Temperature and High Density Plasma Processing
- Improved Transconductance and Gate Insulator Integrity of MISFETs with Si_3N_4 Gate Dielectric Fabricated by Microwave-Excited High-Density Plasma at 400℃
- Low Resistivity PVD TaNx/Ta/TaNx Stacked Metal Gate CMOS Technology Using Self-Grown bcc-Phased Tantalum on TaNx Buffer Layer
- Experimental investigation of effect of channel doping concentration on random telegraph signal noise (Special issue: Solid state devices and materials)
- A Statistical Analysis of Distributions of RTS Characteristics by Wide-Range Sampling Frequencies
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- A Material of Semiconductor Package with Low Dielectric Constant, Low Dielectric Loss and Flat Surface for High Frequency and Low Power Propagation(Session2: Silicon Devices I)
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- The Evaluation of New Amorphous Hydrocarbon Film aCHx, for Copper Barrier Dielectric Film in Low-k Copper Metallization
- Low Dielectric Constant Non-Porous Fluorocarbon Films for Inter-Layer Dielectric
- A High S/N Ratio Object Extraction CMOS Image Sensor with Column Parallel Signal Processing
- A Large-Signal MOSFET Model Based on Transient Carrier Response for RF Circuits
- A High S/N Ratio Object Extraction CMOS Image Sensor with Column Parallel Signal Processing
- Analysis of High-Speed Signal Behavior in a Miniaturized Interconnect(Special Issue on Advanced Sub-0.1μm CMOS Devices)
- Interconnect and Substrate Structure for Gigascale Integration
- Interconnect and Substrate Structure for High Speed Giga-Scale Integration
- Characterization of Zinc Oxide Films Grown by a Newly Developed Plasma Enhanced MOCVD Employing Microwave Excited High Density Plasma
- Damage-Free Microwave-Excited Plasma Contact Hole Etching without Carrier Deactivation at the Interface between Silicide and Heavily-Doped Si
- Influence of Interface Structure on Oxidation Rate of Silicon : Surfaces, Interfaces, and Films
- High-Speed Damage-Free Contact Hole Etching Using Dual Shower Head Microwave-Excited High-Density-Plasma Equipment
- A Study on Reclaimed Photoresist Developer Using an Electrodialysis Method
- A Study on Reclaimed Photoresist Developer Using an Electrodialysis Method
- Ferroelectric Sr_2(Ta_, Nb_x)_2O_7 with a Low Dielectric Constant by Plasma Physical Vapor Deposition and Oxygen Radical Treatment
- Manufacturing Process of Flat Display(Micro Mechanical Engineering)
- Sonoluminescence measurement of 1MHz ultrasonic cavitation and effect of dissolved gases
- Ultra-Shallow and Low-Leakage p^+n Junctions Formation by Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation (PIII) and Low-Temperature Post-Implantation Annealing
- A Dynamically Reconfigurable Processor with Multi-Mode Operation Based on Newly Developed Full-Adder/D-Flip-Flop Merged Module (FDMM)
- Impurity Measurement in Specialty Gases Using an Atmospheric Pressure Ionizaiton Mass Spectrometer with a Two-Compartment Ion Source
- Impurity Measurement in Specialty Gases Using Atmospheric Pressure Ionization Mass Spectrometer with Two Compartments Ion Source
- A New Microwave-Excited Plasma Etching Equipment for Separating Plasma Excited Region from Etching Process Region
- A New Two-Step Round Oxidation STI Technology for Highly Reliable Flash Memory
- Study of the Metal-Ferroelectric-Insulator-Si Structure Device Formation by Controlling Properties of High Frequency and Microwave Excited Plasma
- MFIS-structure Memory Device with High Quality Ferroelectric Sr_2(Ta_Nb_x)_2O_7 Formed by Physical Vapor Deposition and Oxygen Radical Treatment by Radical Oxygen Assisted Layer by Layer(ROALL) deposition
- A Low-Dielectric-Constant Sr_2(Ta_, Nb_x)_2O_7 Thin Film Controlling the Crystal Orientation on an IrO_2 Substrate for One-Transistor-Type Ferroelectric Memory Device
- A 100 MHz 7.84 mm^2 31.7 msec 439 mW 512-Point 2-Dimensional FFT Single-Chip Processor(Low-Power System LSI, IP and Related Technologies)
- Suppression of the low frequency noise level in (100) and (110) oriented silicon p-MOSFETs induced by an alkali-free cleaning process
- Eliminating Needless Calculations on Circuit Level : Most-Significant-Digit-First Digit-Serial Processing
- Fast Computational Architectures to Decrease Redundant Calculations : Eliminating Redundant Digit Calculation and Excluding Useless Data (Special Issue on Integrated Electronics and New System Paradigms)
- The Effect of Organic Contaminations Molecular Weights in the Cleanroom Air on MOS Devices Degradation - a Controlled laminar Air Flow Experiment
- The Effect of Organic Compounds Contamination on the Electrical Characteristics of Ultra-Thin Gate Oxide Films
- Technology of Ferroelectric Thin Film Formation with Large Coercive Field for Future Scaling Down of Ferroelectric Gate FET Memory Device
- A New Statistical Evaluation Method for the Variation of MOSFETs
- Low Leakage Current and Low Resistivity p^+n Diodes on Si(110) Fabricated by Ga^+/B^+ Combination I/I and Low Temperature Annealing
- Formation of Ferroelectric Sr_2(Ta_,Nb_x)_2O_7 Thin Film on Amorphous SiO_2 by Microwave-Excited Plasma Enhanced Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition
- Impact of The Improved High Performance Si(110) Oriented MOSFETs by Using Accumulation-Mode Fully Depleted SOI Devices
- Impact of High Performance Accumulation-Mode Fully Depleted SOI MOSFETs (先端デバイスの基礎と応用に関するアジアワークショップ(AWAD2005))
- Impact of High Performance Accumulation-Mode Fully Depleted SOI MOSFETs (先端デバイスの基礎と応用に関するアジアワークショップ(AWAD2005))