- 論文の詳細を見る
In May 2002, the provisional standard value of deoxynivalenol (DON) in wheat was decided at 1.1mg/kg by Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare in Japan. Marketing of wheat with more than 1.1mg/kg was prohibited as unsafe for human consumption. As Hokkaido is a major area of wheat production in Japan, this decision became the most important problem for farmers. To solve this problem, we have been conducting many trials. After the DON standard was set in May 2002, we immediately established a system to check DON levels in each lot of products going to market. In 2003, we proved the efficiency of the ELISA system and shared this system to other Agricultural Co-operatives. As a result, checking the products DON concentration is possible during acceptance from farmers and/or during regulation; for example, sieving, blending, etc. In addition, many techniques have been developed by Hokkaido prefecture agricultural experimental stations, such as: 1 - Selection of varieties displaying low DON accumulation; 2 - Developing effective sorting systems by combining sieving and gravity separation; and 3 - Effective combination of chemicals during ripeness. Currently, these techniques have been used in many farmers and Agricultural Co-operatives to supply a safe wheat product to consumers. In this report, we summarize our activities, especially the construction of the system to verify DON concentration.
- 2006-01-31
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