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Pole-mounted transformer is one of the equipment that is easier to receive lightning damage. As our information society advances, the needs for supply reliability of electric power become higher, and the decreasing of lightning damages of pole-mounted transformers becomes necessary. In recent years, lightning protective devices (surge arresters) have been installed around the primary bushing of the transformers. Therefore, the number of disconnections around the primary bushing caused by lightning has been decreasing. However, the surge arrester that installed at the primary side of transformer cannot protect the transformer against backflow lightning that invades to the secondary side of transformer. The characteristic of the transformer damage by the backflow lightning is that electro-magnetic force occurring by the current flowing into the secondary side of transformer deforms the windings of the transformer. In this paper, the mechanism of transformer damage by the current flowing into the secondary side is clarified by the comparison between actual lightning damage case and the results of verification test using short-circuit generator. Effective counter measures against the damage of transformer by the backflow lightning are examined by EMTP calculations. From the calculation results, neutral grounding on low-voltage distribution line is the most effective measures in the point of decreasing of the amount of current flowing into the transformer. The less the grounding resistance, the less the amount of current flowing into the transformer. Moreover, decreasing the voltage of the secondary-side of the transformer is important to protect the bushing of the secondary-side. By the calculation result, it is clarified that the surge arresters installed around the secondary side of the transformer are effective for decreasing the voltage of the secondary side of the transformer.
- 2008-06-01
横山 茂
(財)電力中央研究所 電力技術研究所
横山 茂
本田 秀樹
横山 茂
本郷 保二
門 裕之
横山 茂
本郷 保二
本田 秀樹
門 裕之
(財)電力中央研究所 電力技術研究所
本田 秀樹
東北電力(株)お客さま本部 配電部
横山 茂
門 裕之
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