Enzymatic Production of High Concentration Glucose-1-Phosphate
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Glucose-1-phosphate (G-1-P) is a biological product which, along with its derivatives, has various physiological applications. In order to develop an efficient industrial process for G-1-P, enzymatic production of high concentration G-1-P was attempted by using phosphorylase purified from potatoes as an enzyme, several kinds of linear and branched dextrin differing in chain length and a mixture of KH2PO4 and K2HPO4 (Pi) as substrates. Since the maltotetraose is not active as a substrate for production of G-1-P, effective glucan concentration was defined on a basis of moles of glucose (CeG) excluding a segment of maltotetraose from dextrin. Furthermore, since the reaction was a complicated reversible reaction involving many kinds of glucan differing in chain length, the inhibitory effect of a high concentration of substrate for the enzyme, an apparent equilibrium constant Kapp was defined. Kapp was expressed as a function of initial concentration of glucan (CeG,0) and phosphate (CP,0). The concentration of G-1-P finally obtained at the equilibrium (CG1P,eq) could be easily calculated from Kapp regardless of chain length and branch structures of glucan. As a result, a diagram expressing CG1P,eq as a function of CeG,0 and CP,0 was proposed. A high concentration of G-1-P, namely 230 mM G-1-P was experimentally obtained when CeG,0 and CP,0 were 516 and 3000 mM, respectively, and the enzymatic activity was 100 U·mL–1.
- 社団法人 化学工学会の論文
- 2008-04-01
Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tokushima Bunri University
Ooshima Hiroshi
Department Of Applied Chemistry And Bioengineering Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka City Univers
Ooshima Hiroshi
Department Of Applied And Bioapplied Chemistry Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka City University
Sakata Masaru
Department Of Applied Chemistry And Bioengineering Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka City Univers
大嶋 寛
Department Of Applied And Bioapplied Chemistry Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka City University
KAWAI Takashi
Processing Development Research Laboratories, Kao Corp.
KAYANE Shigeto
Research & Development Division, Kao Corp.
Kayane Shigeto
Research & Development Division Kao Corp.
Kawai Takashi
Processing Development Research Laboratories Kao Corp.
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