Understanding of cerebral energy metabolism by dynamic living brain slice imaging system with [^<18>F]FDG
Magata Yasuhiro
京都大学 医学研究科心臓血管外科学
Magata Yasuhiro
Ogawa Mikako
Photon Medical Research Center Hamamatsu University School Of Medicine
Ogawa Mikako
Photon Medical Research Center Hamamatsu University School Of Medicine Laboratory Of Genome Bio-phot
Department of Investigative Radiology, National Cardiovascular Center Research Institute
Watabe Hiroshi
国立循環器病センター研究所 放射線医学部
Watabe Hiroshi
Department Of Investigative Radiology National Cardiovascular Center Research Institute
Functional Probe Research Laboratory, RIKEN Center for Molecular Imaging Science
Department of Investigative Radiology, National Cardiovascular Center Research Institute
MIYAKE Yoshinori
Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, National Cardiovascular Center
Department of Investigative Radiology, Advanced Medical Engineering Center, National Cardiovascular
MURATA Tetsuhito
Department of Neuropsychiatry and Biomedical Imaging Research Center, Faculty of Medical Sciences, U
MAGATA Yasuhiro
Photon Medical Research Center, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine, Laboratory of Genome Bio-Ph
Magata Y
Laboratory Of Genome-bio Photonics Photon Medical Research Center Hamamatsu University School Of Med
Iida Hidehiro
国立循環器病センター研究所 放射線医学部
Iida Hidehiro
Department Of Investigative Radiology National Cardiovascular Center Research Institute
Iida H
Department Of Investigative Radiology National Cardiovascular Center Research Institute
Iida Hidehiro
National Cardiovascular Center Research Institute
Iida Hidehiro
Department Of Internal Medicine Radiology
Hayashi Takuya
Functional Probe Research Laboratory Riken Center For Molecular Imaging Science
Hayashi Takuya
Department Of Investigative Radiology National Cardiovascular Center Research Institute
Magata Yasuhiro
Photon Medical Research Center Hamamatsu University School Of Medicine Laboratory Of Genome Bio-phot
WATABE Hiroshi
National Cardiovascular Center Research Institute
Watabe H
National Cardiovascular Center Res. Inst.
Teramoto Noboru
Department Of Investigative Radiology Advanced Medical Engineering Center National Cardiovascular Ce
Murata Tetsuhito
Department Of Neuropsychiatry And Biomedical Imaging Research Center Faculty Of Medical Sciences Uni
Miyake Yoshinori
Department Of Radiology And Nuclear Medicine National Cardiovascular Center
Iida Hidehiro
National Cardiovascular Center Res. Inst. Osaka Jpn
Miyake Yoshinori
Department Of Investigative Radiology National Cardio-vascular Center Research Institute
Iida Hidehiro
Department Of Gastroenterological Surgery Osaka University Graduate School Of Medicine
Iida Hidehiro
Department Of Bio-medical Imaging National Cerebral And Cardiovascular Center Research Institute
Department of Intensive Care, Kanagawa Children's Medical Center
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