教科書の用語・用字調査 : 技術とものづくり(栽培)
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The purpose of this study was to find objective characteristics of the writing in textbooks for junior high school, through statistical analysis of the characters and vocabulary of two textbooks (Kairyudo Publishing Co. Ltd. and Tokyo Shoseki Co. Ltd.) presently in use in Technology and Home Economics classes in the field of cultivation. Sentences of each publishers' texts were classified into seven items and a database was made. Using this database, the various characters were put under quantitative and morphological analysis and classified using character and vocabulary level checking according to the Japanese language proficiency test into four levels of difficulty. We came to the conclusion that while length of sentences, character inclusion percentages and vocabulary difficulty were appropriate, Chinese character understanding would require 2nd level Japanese language proficiency test ability.
- 日本産業技術教育学会の論文
- 2006-06-30
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