Performance Simulations of a Compact Plate Methane Steam Reformer Using an Electrically Heated Alumite Catalyst
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A compact plate methane steam reformer consisting of closely spaced plates of electrically heated alumite catalysts (EHAC), in which endothermic and exothermic reactions take place in the alternate channels, has been numerically studied. One reforming channel was integrated with two combustion channels to constitute a single reformer unit, which was easily placed and scaled up. Furthermore, the novel catalyst, i.e., EHAC, made by an anodization technology, has the characteristic of being electrified through itself, which was applied in the start-up acceleration strategy. To investigate the performance of the reformer in different operation situations, 2-D steady-state and dynamic multiphase models for heat and mass transfer coupling with velocity distribution were carried out in this work. The results from the steady-state simulation suggested that the inlet temperature and gas flow directions played important roles in the performance of methane steam reforming reactions. Dynamic simulation results show that the start-up process took 45 min without any acceleration strategies, while it took no more than 10 min in the case of with electrically heating at the beginning of the process.
- 社団法人 化学工学会の論文
- 2007-04-01
亀山 秀雄
Department of Cardiology, Rui Jin Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine
Department of Chemical Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Department of Chemical Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Zhang Qi
Department Of Chemical Engineering East China University Of Science And Technology
Kameyama Hideo
Department Of Chemical Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Tokyo University Of Agriculture And Techno
Zhang Qi
Department Of Cardiology Rui Jin Hospital Shanghai Jiao Tong University School Of Medicine
Sakurai Makoto
Department Of Cardiovascular Surgery Osaka Medical Center For Cancer And Cardiovascular Diseases
Sakurai M
Department Of Chemical Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Tokyo University Of Agriculture And Techno
Sakurai Makoto
Department Of Applied Chemistry College Of Engineering Chubu University
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