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Recently, many new species of living primates have been described from Madagascar. The total number of known living lemuroid species has increased from 32 in 1996 to 70 as of 2006. This number has more than doubled in the last decade. This increase is due to at least three factors, 1) taxonomic inflation, i. e., cases in which subspecies are raised to the species level, 2) advances in molecular classification, and 3) discovery of new species.In this review, we explain why the lemuroids are endemic, based on the geological history of Madagascar. The methods are explained for the reconstruction of this phylogeny following Remane (1956) and Hennig (1966). Lemur classification is reviewed historically from the work of many taxonomists starting from Schwarz (1931) through to the present with that of Mittermeier et al. (2006). Some controversies on the classification are mentioned and discussed briefly. A classification table of the living lemuroids is presented with a listing of the scientific name, the English name, and the Japanese name for each species.
- 2006-12-20
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