Intensity Analysis of Hartmann-Shack Images in Cataractous, Keratoconic, and Normal Eyes to Investigate Light Scattering
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Springerの論文
- 2006-07-01
不二門 尚
BESSHO Kenichiro
Department of Applied Visual Science, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
MAEDA Naoyuki
Department of Ophthalmology, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
Department of Applied Visual Science, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
Department of Applied Visual Science, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
MIHASHI Toshifumi
Department of Applied Visual Science, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
Mihashi Toshifumi
Topcon Corporation
Mihashi Toshifumi
大阪大学 大学院医学系研究科感覚機能形成学教室
Mihashi Toshifumi
大阪大学 医学系研究科感覚機能形成学
OSHIKA Tetsuro
Department of Ophthalmology, Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Tsukuba
Oshika Tetsuro
筑波大学 臨床医学系眼科
Hirohara Yoko
Department Of Applied Visual Science Graduate School Of Medicine Osaka University
Hiroha Yoko
Department Of Applied Visual Science Osaka University Graduate School Of Medicine
Hirohara Yoko
Department Of Visual Science Osaka University Graduate School Of Medicine
Maeda Naoyuki
Department Of Ophthalmology Graduate School Of Medicine Osaka University
Bessho Kenichiro
Department Of Applied Visual Science Osaka University Graduate School Of Medicine
Mihashi Toshifumi
Department Of Visual Science Osaka University Graduate School Of Medicine
Maeda N
Department Of Ophthalmology And Visual Science Osaka University Graduate School Of Medicine
Oshika Tetsuro
Department Of Ophthalmology University Of Tsukuba
Oshika Tetsuro
Department Of Ophthalmology Institute Of Clinical Medicine University Of Tsukuba
不二門 尚
大阪大学 医学系研究科
Fujikado Takashi
Department Of Applied Visual Science Osaka University Graduate School Of Medicine
Oshika Tetsuro
Univ. Tsukuba Ibaraki Jpn
不二門 尚
Mihashi Toshifumi
Graduate School of Medicine
MAEDA Naoyuki
Department of Ophthalmology E7, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
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