Possibility of recovery of estrogen sensitivity following high-dose glucocorticoid therapy in a patient with hormone-refractory prostate cancer
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2006-08-01
Department of Urology, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Graduate School
Yamamoto Shinya
癌研有明病院 泌尿器科
Kawakami S
Department Of Urology Tokyo Medical And Dental University
Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Kawasaki Medical Shool
Kawakami Satoru
Department Of Urology Cancer Institute Hospital
Department of Urology, Cancer Institute Hospital Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research
Department of Urology, Graduate School, Tokyo Medical and Dental University
Department of Urology, Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research, Cancer Institute Hospital
Department of Urology, Cancer Institute Hospital, Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research
田所 学
Department of Urology, Cancer Institute Hospital, Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research
Fukui Iwao
Department Of Urology Cancer Institute Hospital
Yamamoto Shinya
Department Of Urology Cancer Institute Hospital
Tatokoro Manabu
Department Of Urology And Reproductive Medicine Graduate School Tokyo Medical And Dental University
Yamamoto Shinya
Department Of Diagnostic Radiology Kawasaki Medical Shool
Okubo Yuhei
Department Of Urology Cancer Institute Hospital Japanese Foundation Of Cancer Research
Ohkubo Yuhei
Department Of Urology Cancer Institute Hospital
Yonese Junji
Department Of Urology Cancer Institute Hospital Japanese Foundation Of Cancer Research
Fukui Iwao
Department Of Urology Japanese Foundation For Cancer Research Cancer Institute Hospital
Tsukamoto Tetsuro
Department Of Urology Japanese Foundation For Cancer Research Cancer Institute Hospital
Tsukamoto Tetsuro
Department Of Neurology Fukushima Medical College
Saito Kazutaka
Department Of Urology Tsuchiura Kyodo General Hospital
Kawakami Satoru
Department Of Urology Cancer Institute Hospital Japanese Foundation For Cancer Research
Yamamoto Shinya
Department Of Biotechnology Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka University
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