Carbon source and trophic position of pelagic fish in coastal waters of south-eastern Izu Peninsula, Japan, identified by stable isotope analysis
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2007-06-01
Takai Noriyuki
College Of Bioresource Sciences Nihon University
Taniuchi Toru
Department Of Aquatic Bioscience Graduate School Of Agricultural And Life Sciences
Taniuchi Toru
College Of Bioresource Sciences Nihon University
Takai Noriyuki
Department Of Marine Science And Resources Nihon University
Takai Noriyuki
Shimoda Marine Biological Station College Of Bioresource Science Nihon University
Okazaki Yuji
Tohoku National Fisheries Res. Inst. Miyagi Jpn
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Nippon Medical School
Department of Marine Science and Resources, College of Bioresource Sciences, Nihon University
Department of Marine Science and Resources, College of Bioresource Sciences, Nihon University
Department of Marine Science and Resources, College of Bioresource Sciences, Nihon University
Department of Marine Science and Resources, College of Bioresource Sciences, Nihon University
Port and Airport Research Institute (PARI)
Osawa Takuya
Department Of Marine Science And Resources College Of Bioresource Sciences Nihon University
Kojima Takahito
Department Of Fisheries College Of Agriculture And Veterinary Medicine Nihon University
Yoshihara Kiyoshi
Department Of Marine Science And Resources College Of Bioresource Sciences Nihon University
Yoshihara Kiyoshi
Department Of Marine Science And Resources Nihon University
Hirose Noriyuki
Department Of Marine Science And Resources College Of Bioresource Sciences Nihon University
Hagiwara Kazuyuki
Department Of Marine Science And Resources College Of Bioresource Sciences Nihon University
Yuasa Kohei
Department Of Marine Science And Resources Nihon University
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