Polymetamorphism of Aktyuz eclogites (northern Kyrgyz Tien-Shan) deduced from inclusions in garnets
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Garnet and omphacite in eclogites from the Aktyuz area, northern Kyrgyz Tien-Shan, preserve evidence of two distinct metamorphic events. Relic polyphase inclusions of Fe-rich staurolite (XMg < 0.29), Mg-taramite, paragonite, and oligoclase (An < 16) contained in garnet cores represent a separate pre-eclogitic amphibolite or epidote-amphibolite facies metamorphism (T = 560-650 °C, P = 4-10 kbar). This relatively low- to medium-pressure metamorphic event probably resulted from the heat of the hot hanging wall at the inception of subduction. Inclusions in the garnet cores and rims and matrix omphacite (glaucophane, sodic-calcic and calcic amphiboles, paragonite, phengite, epidote, albite, rutile, hematite, and quartz) suggest that epidote-blueschist facies conditions (T = 330-570 °C, P = 8-16 kbar) were experienced during the prograde stage of the eclogitic metamorphism. This event occurred within a subduction zone. The estimated peak metamorphic conditions of the eclogites are T = 600-710 °C and P = 15-25 kbar. The subsequent retrograde path through epidote-amphibolite and greenschist facies suggests a clockwise P-T path, in contrast to the anticlockwise P-T path proposed by previous work.
- 日本鉱物科学会の論文
- 2007-04-01
Department of Geoscience, Shimane University
Tagiri Michio
Coll. Of Sciences Ibaraki Univ.
Sakiev Kadyrbek
Institute Of Geology Kyrgyz National Academy Of Science
Bakirov Apas
Institute Of Geology Kyrgyz National Academy Of Science
Bakirov Azamat
Department Of Geoscience Interdisciplinary Faculty Of Science And Engineering Shimane University
Orozbaev Rustam
Department Of Geoscience Shimane University
College of Sciences, Ibaraki University
Tagiri Michio
College Of Sciences Ibaraki University
Takasu Akira
Department Of Geoscience Interdisciplinary Faculty Of Science And Engineering Shimane University
Takasu Akira
Department Of Geology Faculty Of Science Shimane University
Sakiev Kadyrbek
Institute Of Geology Academy Of Science Republic Kyrgyz
Orozbaev Rustam
Department Of Geology And Mineralogy Kyoto University
Takasu Akira
Department Of Geosciences Shimane University
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