Monitoring of response to radiation therapy for human tumor xenografts using ^<99m>Tc-HL91 (4,9-diaza-3,3,10,10-tetramethyldodecan-2,11-dione dioxime)
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2003-04-01
SUZUKI Takayuki
Department of Neurosurgery, Himeji Medical Center
川瀬 貴嗣
Kubo Atsushi
Department Of Radiology Keio University School Of Medicine
KAWASE Takatsugu
Department of Radiology, Keio University
Kawase Takatsugu
Department Of Radiology Keio University
Kawase Takatsugu
慶応義塾大学 放
Kawase Takatsugu
Department Of Radiology Keio University School Of Medicine
Nakamura Kayoko
Department Of Radiology Keio University School Of Medicine
Kubo Atsushi
Department Of Applied Chemistry And Biochemistry Faculty Of Engineering Kumamoto University
Nakamura Kayoko
Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery School Of Medicine Nihon University
Suzuki Takayuki
Department Of Neurosurgery Himeji Medical Center
Suzuki Takayuki
Department Of Radiology Keio University School Of Medicine
Suzuki Takayuki
Department Of Applied Chemistry Faculty Of Engineering Gifu University
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