Molecular Pathopharmacology of 5-HT_<2C> Receptors and the RNA Editing in the Brain
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Among the 14 kinds of serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) receptor subtypes (5-HTR), 5-HT2C receptor (5-HT2CR) has been intensively investigated because of its physiologically and pathophysiologically important role in the brain. 5-HT2CR has been suggested to be involved in depressive disorders based on findings from pharmacological/neurochemical/behavioral studies using autopsy preparations of humans suffering from depression, animal models of depression, and animals treated with antidepressant drugs. Recently the editing of 5-HT2CR mRNA has been reported to participate in the pathogenesis of depressive disease. The RNA editing of 5-HT2CR induced by the presumable alteration of deaminase during a pathological state in depression causes changes of a base to another base (e.g., adenosine to guanosine, cytidine to uracil (thymidine)), followed by changes in amino acids constituting the second intracellular transmembrane loop that couples G proteins. Thus 5-HT2CR receptor-mediated signal transduction is changed. In the present review, the pathopharmacological significance of 5-HT2CR in special reference to RNA editing of receptors is reviewed and discussed from the aspect of development of novel therapeutics for depression.
- 社団法人 日本薬理学会の論文
- 2006-05-15
野村 靖幸
Yokohama College Of Pharmacy
TOHDA Michihisa
Institute of Natural Medicine, University of Toyama
Department of Psychology, Tokai Women's University
NOMURA Yasuyuki
Yokohama College of Pharmacy
Nomura Michio
Department Of Psychology Tokai Women's University
Tohda Michihisa
Institute Of Natural Medicine University Of Toyama
野村 靖幸
野村 靖幸
野村 靖幸
Nomura Yasuyuki
Dep. Of Pharmacotherapeutics Yokohama Coll. Of Pharmacy Jpn
Nomura Yasuyuki
Department Of Pharmacology Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Hokkaido University
Okuma Yasunobu
Department Of Pharmacology Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Chiba Institute Of Science
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- Molecular Pathopharmacology of 5-HT_ Receptors and the RNA Editing in the Brain
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