Further evidence for recombination between mouse hemoglobin beta b1 and b2 genes based on the nucleotide sequences of intron, UTR, and intergenic spacer regions
- 論文の詳細を見る
Nucleotide sequences of the intron regions and UTRs (Untranslated regions) of the hemoglobin beta adult genes, b1 and b2, and of the intergenic spacer region were determined for mouse strains representing the d, p, and w1 hemoglobin haplotypes defined by protein electrophoretic analyses. The hypothesis of recombination of the b1 and b2 genes between the d and w1 haplotypes previously reported in the cDNA nucleotide sequences was confirmed by neighbor-joining analyses of the intron regions and UTRs within the b1 and b2 genes, suggesting that all of the structures of hemoglobin beta adult genes support the hypothesis that the p haplotype was established by hybridization between d and w1 haplotype mice. The resultant recombinant of the p haplotype was found to have a d-like b1 gene and a w1-like b2 gene. In addition to the possible recombination, a break point was suggested around 2–3 kb downstream of the b1 gene within the intergenic spacer region, despite the absence of clear properties that could stimulate the recombination machinery. Some large insertions or deletions (indels) specific to the p or d haplotypes were located within the intergenic spacer region, in which the 1010-bp indel specific to the p haplotype was shared by all examined strains representing the p haplotype.
- 日本遺伝学会の論文
- 2006-06-25
目加田 和之
森脇 和郎
目加田 和之
目加田 和之
理化学研究所筑波研究所バイオリソースセンター 実験動物開発室
森脇 和郎
RIKEN BioResource Center
Moriwaki K
Riken Tsukuba Inst. Ibaraki Jpn
森脇 和郎
森脇 和郎
Moriwaki Kazuo
National Institute Of Genetics
Moriwaki Kazuo
Department Of Genetics Central Institute For Experimental Animals
Moriwaki Kazuo
Riken Bioresource Center Riken Tsukuba Institute
Moriwaki Kazuo
Natl. Inst. Genetics
Moriwaki Kazuo
Zoological Laboratory Faculty Of Agriculture Kyushu University
Moriwaki Kazuo
Riken Tsukuba Institute Riken Bioresource Center
Moriwaki Kazuo
Bio Resource Centre Riken Tsukuba Institute
Moriwaki Kazuo
Department Of Cell Genetics National Institute Of Genetics
Yamaguchi Yasunori
Laboratory Of Animal Cell Technology Faculty Of Life Science And Technology Fukuyama University
森脇 和郎
森脇 和郎
MEKADA Kazuyuki
RIKEN BioResource Center
Takahata Naoyuki
Department Of Biosystems Science The Graduate University For Advanced Studies (sokendai)
Takahata Naoyuki
Department Of Biosystems Science Graduate University For Advanced Studies
Laboratory of Animal Cell Technology, Faculty of Life Science and Technology, Fukuyama University
TSURU Yoshiharu
Laboratory of Animal Cell Technology, Faculty of Life Science and Technology, Fukuyama University
Laboratory of Animal Cell Technology, Faculty of Life Science and Technology, Fukuyama University
Hirai Kyoko
Laboratory Of Animal Cell Technology Faculty Of Life Science And Technology Fukuyama University
Tsuru Yoshiharu
Laboratory Of Animal Cell Technology Faculty Of Life Science And Technology Fukuyama University
Sato Jun
Laboratory Of Animal Cell Technology Faculty Of Life Science And Technology Fukuyama University
森脇 和郎
Riken Bioresource Center
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