Electron-Irradiation Induced Phase Transformation of Amorphous, Supercooled Liquid and Crystalline Phases in Zr_<66.7>Cu_<33.3> Metallic Glass
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Japan Institute of Metalsの論文
- 2006-06-20
Nagase Takeshi
Division Of Materials And Manufacturing Science Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka University
馬越 佑吉
Division of Materials and Manufacturing Science, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University
Umakoshi Yukichi
Division Of Materials And Manufacturing Science Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka University
Umakoshi Yukichi
Osaka Univ. Suita Jpn
馬越 佑吉
Umakoshi Yukichi
Division Of Materials & Manufacturing Science Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka University
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- OS0304 Mg合金におけるマルチモーダル組織形成と機械的特性改善(非立方晶型金属材料の変形現象とそのモデル化,オーガナイズドセッション)
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- 会長就任のご挨拶
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- 転位の動的振る舞いと金属間化合物の力学特性
- Electron Irradiation Induced Nanocrystallization Behavior in Fe_Zr_9B_ Metallic Glass