Crystal Alignment of Sn-Pb Alloy by Controlled Imposition of a Static Magnetic Field and an Alternating Electric Current during Solidification
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In this study, a new process for a crystal alignment of an alloy during solidification has been proposed in which the imposing periods of a static magnetic field and an alternating current are controlled. In the initial stage of the solidification both the magnetic and electric fields are imposed on the alloy to break dendrites into pieces and to spread them to the whole area of the sample. In the next stage, only the static magnetic field was applied for the sample. The function of the static magnetic field in this stage is not only the rotation of the crystals to magnetically stable direction but also the suppression of the disturbance such as liquid motion. The principle of this process was experimentally confirmed by using a Sn–10mass%Pb alloy. In the X-ray diffraction pattern of the sample solidified without the static magnetic field, the first and second highest peaks were (101)-plane and (200)-plane. That is, the crystal direction is random. On the other hand, only the peaks corresponding to a,b-plane were observed in the sample solidified under the imposition of the controlled electromagnetic field. Therefore, this process is useful for the crystal alignment of alloy.
- 社団法人 日本鉄鋼協会の論文
- 2006-06-15
岩井 一彦
Department Of Materials Physics And Energy Engineering Nagoya University
岩井 一彦
名古屋大学 大学院工学研究科マテリアル理工学専攻
浅井 滋生
浅井 滋生
浅井 滋生
Asai Shigeo
Innovation Plaza Tokai Japan Science And Technology Agency
Asai Shigeo
Department Of Materials Processing Engineering Nagoya University
Asai Shigeo
Department Of Chemistry And Materials Science Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Asai Shigeo
Innovation Plaza Tokai Japan Sci. And Technol. Agency
IWAI Kazuhiko
Department of Materials Processing Engineering, Nagoya University
USUI Manabu
Nagoya University
Iwai Kazuhiko
Department Of Materials Physics And Energy Engineering Graduate School Of Engineering Nagoya Univers
Usui Manabu
Ibiden Co. Ltd.
Iwai Kazuhiko
Graduate School Of Engineering Nagoya University
- 会長就任にあたって
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