Assessment of therapeutic effect in patients with secondary hyperparathyroidism using bone scintigraphy
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2005-07-01
Okuda Seiya
Division of Nephrology, Department of Medicine, Kurume University School of Medicine
Okuda Seiya
Division Of Nephrology Department Of Medicine Kurume University School Of Medicine
Okuda Seiya
Department Of Nephrology And Dialysis Unit Kurume University School Of Medicine
Nishida Hidemi
Department Of Nephrology Kurume University School Of Medicine
KAIDA Hayato
Division of Nuclear Medicine, PET Center and Department of Radiology, Kurume University School of Me
Division of Nuclear Medicine, PET Center and Department of Radiology, Kurume University School of Me
Division of Nuclear Medicine, PET Center and Department of Radiology, Kurume University School of Me
Okuda Seiya
Division Of Nephrology And The Third Department Of Internal Medicine Kurume University School Of Med
Okuda Seiya
The Department Of Internal Medicine Iii And The Cardiovascular Research Institute Kurume University
Nishida Hidemi
Department Of Nephrology And Dialysis Unit Kurume University School Of Medicine
Kaida Hayato
Department Of Radiology Kurume University School Of Medicine
BABA Kenkichi
Division of Nuclear Medicine, PET Center and Department of Radiology, Kurume University, School of M
Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Kurume University, School of Medicine
Kai Hisashi
Department Of Radiology Kurume University School Of Medicine
Baba Kenkichi
Division Of Nuclear Medicine Pet Center And Department Of Radiology Kurume University School Of Medi
Hiromatsu Y
Division Of Endocrinology And Metabolism Department Of Medicine Kurume University School Of Medicine
Hayabuchi Naofumi
Division Of Nuclear Medicine And Department Of Radiology
Ishibashi Masatoshi
Department Of Radiology Kurume University School Of Medicine
Ishibashi Masatoshi
Division Of Nuclear Medicine And Department Of Radiology Kurume University School Of Medicine
Hayabuchi Naofumi
Department of Radiology, Kurume University School of Medicine
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