- 論文の詳細を見る
The objective was to establish accurate and highly reproducible measuring conditions and analytical methods using an XYZ chemiluminescence system, which has been considered for use in the evaluation of food functionality such as hyperoxidation and anti-oxidation. Standard photon emission in the XYZ system is a high level of 106 cps, consisting of two types of emissions: primary emission with a peak observed immediately after mixing the three reagents, and a secondary emission showing an asymptotic value which then approaches an almost constant level. It is important to make the time needed for addition of the reagent, which is a factor that can influence the emission curve, uniform and as brief as possible. Standard photon emission had a wavelength from 540-860 nm, and notably showed peak intensity of luminescence at near 671 nm in the early stages of photon emission, but there was not so much differences between the wavelengths of the primary and secondary emissions. It was thus assumed that the primary emission was a phenomenon resulting from the mixing of components of the reagents, that occurred irrespective of ambient oxygen concentration, while secondary emission was dependent on ambient oxygen level. Peak photon emission which is easy to identify and measure rapidly, may be desirable for use as an indicator. It appears that addition of the reagents from the outside into the box and carrying out continuous measurement from the time of reagent addition are essential to obtain reliable values, since peak photon emission is observed 10 to 25 seconds after mixing the three reagents.
- 生態工学会の論文
- 2006-07-30
齋藤 高弘
萩原 昌司
〓原 昌司
独立行政法人 食品総合研究所
〓原 昌司
独立行政法人農業・食品産業技術総合研究機構 食品総合研究所 食品工学研究領域
斎藤 高弘
志賀 徹
〓原 昌司
高橋 大輔
大谷 敏郎
大谷 敏郎
原 昌司
原 昌司
(独)農研機構 食品総合研究所
萩原 昌司
独立行政法人農業・食品産業技術総合研究機構 食品総合研究所 食品工学研究領域
萩原 昌司
志賀 徹
宇都宮大学 農学部
齋藤 高弘
宇都宮大学 農学部
齋藤 高弘
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