Disposable Dust Chamber for Home-visit Prosthodontic Treatments
- 論文の詳細を見る
Purpose: The aim of this article is to describe the procedure for preparing a disposable dust chamber for use in home-visit prosthodontic treatments, that is economical and can be made from materials that are easy to procure.Methods: After cutting off both ends, the main body of a PET bottle (capacity:1.5 to 2.7 liters) is trimmed to a length of about 15-20 cm. A disposable glove is slipped over each cut end of the PET bottle. The finger and palm portion of the gloves at both ends are then cut off.Results: Users can work on prostheses within this dust chamber, without dispersing the flying particulate waste produced by the grinding into the ambient air. After use, the chamber can be washed with tap water, and be reused after disinfection. This device also effectively reduces the noise produced by the cutting and grinding.Conclusion: A low-cost handy disposable dust chamber that can be made easily is presented.
- 日本補綴歯科学会の論文
- 2006-04-01
津賀 一弘
広島大学大学院 医歯薬学総合研究科 先端歯科補綴学研究室
津賀 一弘
広島大学 医歯薬学総合研究科展開医科学専攻顎口腔頸部医科学講座先端歯科補綴学研究室
Tsuga Kazuhiro
Department Of Advanced Prosthodontics Division Of Cervico-gnathostomatology Programs For Applied Bio
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Saga University
AKAGAWA Yasumasa
Department of Geriatric and Respiratory Medicine, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine
赤川 安正
Akagawa Yasumasa
Hiroshima Univ. Hiroshima Jpn
TAJI Tsuyoshi
Department of Advanced Prosthodontics, Division of Cervico-Gnathostomatology, Graduate School of Bio
Hayashi Ryo
Department Of Advanced Prosthodontics Division Of Cervico-gnathostomatology Programs For Applied Bio
Department of Advanced Prosthodontics, Division of Cervico-Gnathostomatology, Programs for Applied B
Maruyama Mariko
Department Of Advanced Prosthodontics Division Of Cervico-gnathostomatology Programs For Applied Bio
田地 豪
Department Of Advanced Prosthodontics Division Of Cervico-gnathostomatology Hiroshima University Gra
Taji Tsuyoshi
Department Of Advanced Prosthodontics Division Of Cervico-gnathostomatology Hiroshima University Gra
Akagawa Yasumasa
Department Of Advanced Prosthodontics Division Of Cervico-gnathostomatology Hiroshima University Gra
Taji Tsuyoshi
Department Of Advanced Prosthodontics Hiroshima University Graduate School Of Biomedical Science
Akagawa Yasumasa
Department Of Advanced Prosthodontics Division Of Cervico-gnathostomatology Graduate School Of Biome
Taji Tsuyoshi
Department Of Advanced Prosthodontics Division Of Cervico-gnathostomatology Programs For Applied Biomedicine Hiroshima University Graduate School Of Biomedical Sciences
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