ねじり振動モードの計測・制御に基づく複合材板翼のフラッタ制御(第2報) : センサ・アクチュエータの最適配置に基づく複合材板翼のフラッタ制御
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The present paper treats the flutter suppression of composite plate wings with segmented piezoelectric sensors and actuators. In the second report of this paper, validity of the flutter suppression based on the optimal placement of sensors and actuators is examined for composite plate wings. Modal sensor for measurement of the modal displacement of the first torsional vibration mode is designed by the optimal placement of PVDF sensors based on the minimization criterion of observation spillover. Actuation system to generate the modal force for the first torsional vibration mode is designed by the optimal placement of PZT actuators based on the minimization criterion of control spillover. Aeroelastic analysis of composite plates is based on the finite element method and the subsonic unsteady lifting surface theory. The minimum state method is applied to approximate the unsteady aerodynamic forces as the transfer functions of the Laplace variables. The effectiveness of optimal placement of sensors and actuators in the flutter suppression is clarified through the numerical examples.
- 2006-03-05
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