A Reliable Double Level Interconnection Technology for Giga Bit DRAMs Using SiO_2 Mask Al Etching and PECVD SiOF
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 1997-09-16
上野 啓司
Yamada Y
Department Of Quantum Science And Energy Engineering Tohoku University
Yoshida Y
Department Of Energy Engineering And Science Nagoya University
Yamada Y
Akita Univ. Akita Jpn
Yamada Yuh
National Research Institute For Metals
NEC Corporation, ULSI Device Development Laboratories
Yokoyama Toshifumi
Storage Media Systems Development Center Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. Ltd.
Kishimoto Koji
Nec Corporation Ulsi Device Development Laboratories
Kishimoto K
Nec Corp. Kanagawa Jpn
NEC Corporation, ULSI Device Development Laboratories
YAMADA Yoshiaki
NEC Corporation, ULSI Device Development Laboratories
NEC Corporation, ULSI Device Development Laboratories
GOMI Hideki
NEC Corporation, ULSI Device Development Laboratories
UENO Kazuyoshi
NEC Corporation, ULSI Device Development Laboratories
Yokoyama T
Storage Media Systems Development Center Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. Ltd.
Gomi H
Nec Corp. Kanagawa Jpn
Kawamoto Hideaki
Ulsi Device Development Laboratories Nec Corporation
Yokoyama T
Tokai Univ. Kanagawa Jpn
Yokoyama Yoshihiko
Superconductivity Research Laboratory, International Superconductivity Technology Center
- 研究ニュース
- 25aS-4 La@C_薄膜の電子エネルギー損失スペクトル
- 27aWB-5 SiO_2上に成長したペンタセン薄膜の成長初期過程における分子配向(表面・界面構造, ダイナミクス,領域9(表面・界面, 結晶成長))
- 26pXC-7 重合方向を制御した長鎖ジアセチレン誘導体LB膜のNEXAFS解析(表面・界面構造(シリコン表面),領域9(表面・界面, 結晶成長))
- 26pYK-6 有機FETのtime of flight移動度測定(FET,領域7(分子性固体・有機導体))
- Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Spectroscopy Study of LiBr/Si(001) Heterostructure
- Accumulation and Depletion Layer Thicknesses in Organic Field Effect Transistors
- 22pXG-2 ペンタセン薄膜における電界効果移動度の膜厚依存性
- 表面不活性化シリコン基板上における異方的有機薄膜成長
- 31aWD-13 LiBr 超薄膜の STM 観察
- 表面不活性基板を利用した有機・無機ナノ構造の形成(ナノ結晶)
- 29pPSA-31 Bilayer-GaSe終端Si(111)表面のSTM観察
- 層状物質基板
- 24pPSA-28 Bilaye-GaSe上に形成したGa量子ドットの電子分光
- 24pPSA-24 Bilayer-GaSe終端Si(111)基板の表面構造解析と薄膜成長への応用
- 22aWA-7 C_/Si(111)系におけるC(1s)内殻励起スペクトル
- OME2000-51 異種原子終端Si基板上でのフラーレン分子のエピタキシー
- 23aT-6 MoS_2基板上III-VI層状化合物半導体超薄膜の成長機構
- 22aW-5 (C_,K)/Si(111)系の電子エネルギー損失スペクトル
- 26aPS-34 Si基板上へのGa_2Se_3薄膜のエピタキシャル成長と電子分光測定
- 26aPS-13 Si(111)-√x√Ag表面上に作製したC_単層膜の高分解能電子エネルギー損失スペクトル
- 24aZ-6 Si(111)-7×7および(100)-2×1表面上に作製したC_単層膜の電子エネルギー損失スペクトル
- Enhanced Tensile Strength and Plasticity of Zr-Cu-Al Bulk Glassy Alloys at Cryogenic Temperatures
- 30p-BPS-2 ヘテロエピタキシャル成長した層状物質のSTMによる評価
- Heterogeneous Process of Disordering and Structural Refinement in Ni_3Al during Severe Plastic Deformation by High-Pressure Torsion
- Effect of Nanocrystallization and Twinning on Hardness in Ni_3Al Deformed by High-Pressure Torsion
- 研究ニュース
- 13pWH-8 高誘電率ゲート酸化膜を用いた有機 FET の動作特性(FET, 領域 8)
- 13pWH-8 高誘電率ゲート酸化膜を用いた有機 FET の動作特性(FET, 領域 7)
- 20pYC-14 アルカリハライド/金属ヘテロ構造の STM 観察
- 22pXG-1 異方的成長条件下で成長したペンタセン薄膜を用いた有機 FET
- Nucleation and Growth in Undercooled Melts of Bulk-Metallic-Glass Forming Zr_Ni_Al_ Alloy
- Cold-Rolled Zr_Cu_Ni_Al_ Bulk Amorphous Alloys with Tensile Plastic Elongation at Room Temperature
- 31a-S-12 不活性基板表面上に成長したC-単層膜の電子エネルギー損失スペクトル
- 27a-PS-64 層状物質基板上エピタキシャルC_薄膜の構造解析
- Scanning Tunneling Microscope Observation of the Metal-Adsorbed Layered Semiconductor Surfaces
- Heteroepitaxial Growth of Layered GaSe Films on GaAs(001) Surfaces
- High-Critical-Current-Density Epitaxial Films of SmBa_2Cu_3O_ in High Fields
- Reduction of Surface Resistance of ErBa_2Cu_3O_ Films by BaZrO_3 Nano-Particle Inclusion
- Correlation between Film Thickness and Critical Current Density of Sm_Ba_Cu_3O_ Films Deposited by Pulsed Laser Deposition : Superconductors
- A new method for preparing plan-view TEM specimen of multilayered films using focused ion beam
- Fabrication of Fe-Te-S Superconducting Epitaxial Thin Films by Pulsed Laser Deposition
- Effect of c-Axis-Correlated Disorders on the Vortex Diagram of the Pinning State
- Critical Current Density Enhancement around a Matching Field in ErBa_2Cu_3O_ Films with BaZrO_3 Nano-Rods
- Relaxation of Free Volume in Zr_Cu_Al_ Bulk Metallic Glasses Studied by Positron Annihilation Measurements
- Glassy Solidification Criterion of Zr_Cu_Al_ Alloy
- Drastic Increase in the Toughness of Structural Relaxed Hypoeutectic Zr_Cu_Al_ Bulk Glassy Alloy
- Relations between the thermal and mechanical properties of cast Zr-TM-Al (TM: Cu, Ni, or Co) bulk glassy alloys (Special issue on bulk metallic glasses: selected papers from the fifth international conference on bulk metallic glasses (BMGV))
- Fatigue-Strength Enhancement of Cast Zr_Cu_Al_ Glassy Alloys
- Relaxation and Crystallization Behavior of the Zr_Cu_Al_ Metallic Glass
- Evolution of Mechanical Properties of Cast Zr_Cu_Al_ Glassy Alloys by Structural Relaxation
- Characterization of Crystalline Inclusions in Cast Bulk Zr-Cu-Ni-Al Glassy Alloy
- Effect of Ni Addition on Fatigue Properties of Bulk Glassy Zr_Cu_Al_ Alloys
- Electron Beam Welding of Zr_Cu_Ni_Al_ Bulk Glassy Alloys
- Relationship Between the Liquidus Surface and Structures of Zr-Cu-Al Bulk Amorphous Alloys
- Oxygen Embrittlement and Effect of the Addition of Ni Element in a Bulk Amorphous Zr-Cu-Al Alloy
- Rotating-Beam Fatigue Properties of Pd_Cu_Ni_P_ Bulk Glassy Alloy
- Enhancement of Ductility and Plasticity of Zn_Cu_Al_Ni_5 Bulk Glassy Alloy by Cold Rolling
- Growth of a Single Al_Cu_Fe_ Icosahedral Quasicrystal Using the Czochralski Method and Annealing Removal of Strains
- Fatigue Properties and Microstructures of Zr_Cu_Al_Ni_5 Bulk Glassy Alloys
- Preparation of Large Grained AL_Cu_Fe_ Icosahedral Quasivrystal Directly from the Melt
- Growth of Icosahedral Single Quasicrystal and 1/1-Cubic Approximant Single Crystal in an Al-Li-Cu Alloy System by the Czodhralski Method
- Nanocrystalline Zr-Based Bulk Glassy Alloys with High Flexural Strength
- Rotating-Beam Fatigue Strength of Pd_ Cu_ Ni_ P_ Bulk Amorphous Alloy
- 27p-PSA-7 ヘテロ成長した層状物質のHREELSによる評価
- c-Axis-Correlated Vortex Pinning Center Induced by Dilute Co-doping in Pulsed-Laser-Deposition-ErBa_2Cu_3O_y Films
- Enhancement of Flux-Pinning in Epitaxial Sm_Ba_Cu_3O_y Films by Introduction of Low-T_c Nanoparticles
- High-Critical-Current-Density SmBa_2Cu_3O_ Films Induced by Surface Nanoparticle
- A 0.7-μm-Pitch Double Level Al Interconnection Technology for 1-Gbit DRAMs using SiO_2 Mask Al Etching and Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition SiOF
- A Reliable Double Level Interconnection Technology for Giga Bit DRAMs Using SiO_2 Mask Al Etching and PECVD SiOF
- A novel method to fabricate a molecular quantum structure: Selective growth of C-60 on layered material heterostructures
- Surface Morphology of YBa_2Cu_3O_ Films Prepared by Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition Using Liquid Sources
- Rare Earth Substitution Effects and Magnetic Field Dependence of Critical Current in Y_RE_xBa_2Cu_3O_y Coated Conductors with Nanoparticles (RE = Sm, Gd)
- Enhancement of Flux Pinning in Y_Sm_xBa_Cu_3O_y Coated Conductors with Nanoparticles
- Specimen preparation for high-resolution transmission electron microscopy using focused ion beam and Ar ion milling
- Structural Characterization of High-Quality ZnS Epitaxial Layers Grown on GaAs Substrates by Low-Pressure Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition : Surfaces, Interfaces, and Films
- Internal Quantum Efficiency of Nitride-based Light-Emitting Diodes
- Evaluation of Thermal Expansion Coefficient of Twinned YBa_2Cu_3O_7-δ Film for Prediction of Crack Formation of Various Substrates
- Intense Ultraviolet Electroluminescence Properties of the High-Power InGaN-Based Light-Emitting Diodes Fabricated on Patterned Sapphire Substrates
- Intense Ultraviolet Electroluminescence Properties of the High-Power InGaN-Based LEDs Fabricated on Patterned Sapphire Substrates
- Recombination Dynamics of Self-Trapped Excitons in the High-Efficient Blue LEDs under Reverse Bias Condition
- Dependence of Exciton-Longitudinal-Optical-Phonon Interaction Energy on Well Width in Cd_Zn_Se/ZnSe Multiple-Quantum Wells
- Reduction of Inhomogeneous Broadening of Exciton Luminescence in Cd_xZn_Se Ternary Alloys and Cd_xZn_Se-ZnSe Multiple Quantum Wells Grown by Molecular-Beam Epitaxy under Se-Excess Supply
- Effect of High Current Injection on the Blue Radiative Recombination in InGaN Single Quantum Well Light Emitting Diodes
- Evidence of Mobile Ag and Growth Mechanism of YBa_2Cu_3O_7-y Films Deposited on Cube Textured Ag Tape by Chemical Vapor Deposition
- Spiral Growth of YBa_2Cu_3O_ Thin Films by Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition Using Liquid-State Sources
- Creep Deformation of Single Al-Ni-Co Decagonal Quasicrystals
- Fabrication of GaAs quantum dots on a bilayer-GaSe terminated Si(111) substrate
- 24aZ-1 アルカリハライド/半導体ヘテロ接合の光電子イールド測定(II)
- 28p-S-9 アルカリハライド/半導体ヘテロ接合の光電子イールド測定
- 表面を選ぶサッカーボール
- 26p-YR-6 MoS_2基板上InSeヘテロエピタキシャル超薄膜の成長機構
- 選択成長法による分子性結晶ナノ構造の形成
- 7a-PS-58 層状物質基板上での有機分子性結晶選択成長
- Nanostructure fabrication using selective growth on nanosize patterns drawn by a scanning probe microscope
- 31a-T-12 2D layered material buffer layers in large lattice mismatch heterostructures:The system CdS/InSe/Si
- 29a-PS-31 ヘテロ成長したIII-VI層状化合物半導体薄膜表面のSPM観察
- C_エピタキシャル薄膜の初期成長過程
- Heteroepitaxial Growth of Layered Semiconductor GaSe on a Hydrogen-Terminated Si(111) Surface
- 29p-PS-18 水素終端処理したSi基板上へのファンデアワールス・エピタキシー