TCE Removal from Porous Media Using an Ozone-saturated Solvent
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2005-11-05
奥田 哲士
西嶋 渉
岡田 光正
OKUDA Tetsuji
Environmental Research and Management Center, Hiroshima University, Japan
Environmental Research and Management Center, Hiroshima University, Japan
OKADA Mitsumasa
Department of Chemical Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Hiroshima University, Japan
Okuda Tetsuji
Environmental Research And Management Center Hiroshima University
岡田 光正
Okada Mitsumasa
Department Of Chemical Engineering Graduate School Of Engineering Hiroshima University
Okada Mitsumasa
Department Of Biomolecular Science Faculty Of Science Toho University
Nishijima Wataru
Environmental Research And Management Center Hiroshima University
Department of Material Science and Chemical System Engineering, Hiroshima University
Okada Mitsumasa
Department Of Biochemistry Faculty Of Science University Of Tokyo
Alcantara-garduno Martha
Department Of Material Science And Chemical System Engineering Hiroshima University
Okuda Tetsuji
Environmental Research & Management Center, Hiroshima University
Nishijima Wataru
Environmental Research & Management Center, Hiroshima University
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- 成分組成に基づいた有機性固形廃棄物の再資源化用途の評価
- 広島湾内の人工干潟と自然干潟の構造と機能の比較 (特集 科学技術は海洋環境を修復・創造できるか) -- (実践2 自然干潟の創造は可能か)
- 人工干潟における生熊系の創出・保全
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- Isolation of Crystalline Water-soluble Chlorophyll Proteins with Different Chlorophyll a and b Contents from Stems and Leaves of Lepidium virginicum
- Water Soluble Pigments Containing Xylose and Glucose in Gametangia of the Green Alga, Bryopsis maxima : NATURAL PRODUCTS
- Effect of Cryopreservation on Cell Proliferation and Immunogenicity of Transplanted Human Heart Cells
- Cosmid library of the marine macroalga Bryopsis maxima (Bryopsidales, Ulvophyceae)
- Water-Soluble Chlorophyll Protein in Brassicaceae Plants is a Stress-Induced Chlorophyll-Binding Protein
- Purification and Characterization of a New Pigment from the Green Alga, Bryopsis maxima
- Purification and Further Characterization of Pyrenoid Proteins and Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate Carboxylase-Oxygenase from the Green Alga Bryopsis maxima
- Diurnal rhythm in the Hill reaction in cell-free extracts of the green alga Bryopsis maxima
- Separation and Partial Characterization of Membranes from Prochloron sp.
- 第6回IWA世界水会議(ウィーン)に参加して
- Nitrate Reductase Activity and Nitrite in Native Pyrenoids Purified from the Green Alga Bryopsis maxima
- Isolation of Native Pyrenoid Core Matrix Having Ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate Carboxylase Activity from the Green Alga Bryopsis maxima
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- 環境化学工学
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- 生物応答を利用した水環境管理手法