Possible Octupole Ordering in Phase II of SmRu_4P_<12> Suggested from Elastic Constants(Condensed Matter : Structure, Mechanical and Thermal Properties)
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We have studied the origin of the successive phase transitions in filled skutterudite SmRu_4P_<12> based on the results of elastic constant measurements. The temperature dependence of the elastic constants shows a sharp drop at the metal-insulator (M-I) transition of T_<MI>=16.5K in a zero field. The successive transition at T_N=14K is indistinct in a low field. The anomaly at T_<MI> disappears with increasing field. A clear softening toward T_N appears in the elastic constants in a high magnetic field. This result suggests a breakdown of the time reversal symmetry in the temperature range between T_<MI> and T_N. Such a breakdown is considered to be due to the coupling between the dipole moment and the octupole moment, which is allowed only in T_h symmetry.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 2005-08-15
Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokushima
山田 道夫
SATO Hideyuki
Graduate School of Tokyo Metropolitan University
Sanada Shotaro
Department Of Physics Tokyo Metropolitan University
Saha S
Tokyo Metropolitan Univ. Tokyo
Faculty of Engineering Science, Muroran Institute of Technology
Sekine Chihiro
Faculty Of Engineering Muroran Institute Of Technology
Sekine Chihiro
Muroran Institute Of Technology
Graduate School of Frontier Materials Function Engineering, Iwate University
Graduate School of Frontier Materials Function Engineering, Iwate University
Sugawara H
Faculty Of Integrated Arts And Sciences The University Of Tokushima
OIKAWA Masafumi
Graduate School of Engineering, Iwate University
SAHA Shanta
High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK-MSL)
Oikawa Masafumi
Department Of Materials Science And Engineering Iwate University
Nakanishi Yoshiki
Graduate School Of Frontier Materials Function Engineering Iwate University
Yoshizawa Masahito
Graduate School Of Frontier Materials Function Engineering Iwate University
Sugawara Hitoshi
Faculty Of Engineering Iwate University
Shirotani I
Department Of Electric And Electronic Engineering Muroran Institute Of Technology
Shirotani Ichimin
Faculty Of Engineering Muroran Institute Of Technology
Sakata H
Department Of Physics Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Yoshizawa Masahito
Department Of Materials Science And Engineering Iwate University
Oikawa M
Department Of Applied Chemistry National Defense Academy
Sato Hideyuki
Graduate School Of Science Tokyo Metropolitan University
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- DICKS, D. R., Early Greek Astronomy to Aristotle, ASPECTS OF GREEK AND ROMAN LIFE, Thames and Hudson, Pp. 272, 1970.
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