Hypoglycemic Effects of Turmeric (Curcuma longa L. Rhizomes) on Genetically Diabetic KK-A^y Mice(Communications to the Editor)
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The turmeric (Curcuma longa L. rhizomes) EtOH extract significantly suppressed an increase in blood glucose level in type 2 diabetic KK-A^y mice. In an in vitro evaluation, the extract stimulated human adipocyte differentiation in a dose-dependent manner and showed human peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)-γ ligand-binding activity in a GAL4-PPAR-γ chimera assay. The main constituents of the extract were identified as curcumin, demethoxycurcumin, bisdemethoxycurcumin, and ar-turmerone, which had also PPAR-γ ligand-binding activity. These results indicate that turmeric is a promising ingredient of functional food for the prevention and/or amelioration of type 2 diabetes and that curcumin, demethoxycurcumin, bisdemethoxycurcumin, and ar-turmerone mainly contribute to the effects via PPAR-γ activation.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 2005-05-01
Kuroda M
Laboratory Of Medicinal Pharmacognosy Tokyo University Of Pharmacy And Life Sciences School Of Pharm
Kuroda Minpei
Laboratory Of Medicinal Pharmacognosy Tokyo University Of Pharmacy And Life Science School Of Pharma
Nishiyama T
Functional Foods Development Division Kaneka Corporation
Laboratory for Molecular Function of Food, Division of Food Science and Biotechnology, Graduate Scho
Kitahara Mikio
Life Science Research Laboratories Life Science Rd Center Kaneka Corporation
黒田 明平
Kitano Mitsuaki
Frontier Biochemical And Medical Res. Laboratories Corporate Res. And Dev. Div. Kaneka Corp.
MIMAKI Yoshihiro
Laboratory of Medicinal Plant Science, School of Pharmacy, Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sci
Mimaki Yoshihiro
Laboratory Of Medical Plant Science Tokyo University Of Pharmacy And Life Science
Nishiyama Tozo
Functional Foods Development Division Kaneka Corporation
Kuroda M
Nakagawa Kaku
Functional Food Ingredients Div. Kaneka Corp.
KISHIDA Hideyuki
Life Science Research Laboratories, Life Science RD Center, Kaneka Corporation
MAE Tatsumasa
Functional Food Ingredients Division, Kaneka Corporation
Kawada Teruo
Laboratory Of Molecular Function Of Food Division Of Food Science And Biotechnology Graduate School
Functional Foods Development Division, Kaneka Corporation
Division of Molecular Metabolism and Diabetes, Department of Internal Medicine, Tohoku University Sc
Functional Foods Development Division, Kaneka Corporation
Mimaki Yoshihiro
Laboratory Of Medicinal Pharmacognosy Tokyo University Of Pharmacy And Life Science School Of Pharma
Mae Tatsumasa
Functional Food Ingredients Div. Kaneka Corp.
Kawada Teruo
Laboratory For Molecular Function Of Food Division Of Food Science And Biotechnology Graduate School
Kuroda Minpei
Laboratory Of Medicinal Pharmacognosy Tokyo University Of Pharmacy And Life Science School Of Pharma
Takahashi Kazuma
Division Of Molecular Metabolism And Diabetes Department Of Internal Medicine Tohoku University Scho
Kishida Hideyuki
Frontier Biochemical And Medical Research Laboratories Corporate Research And Development Division K
Tsukagawa Misuzu
Functional Foods Development Division Kaneka Corporation
Takahashi Kazuma
Division of Diabetes and Metabolism, Department of Internal Medicine, Iwate Medical University School of Medicine, Japan
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