Positron emission tomography with 18F-fluoro-2-deoxyglucose for the detection of recurrent ovarian cancer
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2005-06-01
OZAWA Takachika
Department of Pathology, Hamamatsu Medical Center
YASUMI Kazuhiko
Department of Pathology, Narita Red Cross Hospital
Hamamtsu Medical Center
MAEDA Makoto
Hamamtsu Medical Center
OZAWA Takachika
Hamamtsu Medical Center
YASUMI Kazuhiko
Hamamtsu Medical Center
Hamamtsu Medical Center
Yasumi Kazuhiko
Department Of Pathology Narita Red Cross Hospital
Ozawa Takachika
Department Of Pathology Hamamatsu Medical Center
Positron Medical Center, Hamamatsu Medical Center
Department of Biochemical Engineering and Science, Kyushu Institute of Technology
Torizuka Tatsuo
Positron Medical Center Hamamatsu Medical Center
Department of Gynecology, Hamamatsu Medical Center
Maeda Makoto
Department Of Biochemical Engineering And Science Kyushu Institute Of Technology
Yasumi Kazuhiko
Department Of Pathology International University Of Health And Welfare Mita Hospital
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